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Is "retard" a slur?
  • Agreed, but I have a hard time reconciling "idiot" and "moron" being acceptable but not this. They're basically used as synonyms

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    Satisfactory 1.0
  • True, but Factorio is natively supported on Apple Silicon and runs incredibly well on my M1 Air. I can't even play Satisfactory.

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    What is the (subjectively) weirdest word in the English language?
  • I suppose well is common enough that it's become naturally integrated and I don't notice it. seldom is much rarer so hasn't hit that saturation point where I stop noticing it. And it just feels more egregious when you can say rarely instead, a much more common word.

    Idk, I know it's a perfectly cromulent word but it just sounds wrong to me.

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    What is the (subjectively) weirdest word in the English language?
  • I've always hated "seldom". It just sounds so wrong to have an adverb not ending in -ly. It should clearly be seldomly. Or you can just say "rarely" which means exactly the same so idk why we need two words for the same thing.

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    Nissan develops paint that keeps cars cool in summer heat
  • so you're suggesting that it's feasible to use a video stream from the car to read lips by, what, paying out of pocket to send the video stream over the built-in cellular? Possible, sure. Then receiving it at a datacentre and running one of the most computationally intensive algorithms in existence on the video stream, 24/7? Or at least only when I'm using the car? so the datacentre is processing presumably tens or hundreds of thousands of these all at once, so at let's say 5mbps per video that could easily be multiple terrabits per second of bandwidth, consuming megawatts of power in order to spy on people in probably the least efficient and most expensive way imaginable, and all to determine that I said I like coke rather than pepsi so the car company can receive $0.01 in selling that to some ad company?

    Is that scenario possible? Yes. Is it happening? I am certain that it's not in any rational company. The same line of reasoning applies to listening to your phone's microphone or camera, except there you'd also notice your phone getting hot and the battery dying in an hour or two.

    The GPS thing is feasible. I don't know if they're doing that but they could. As soon as you mention transmitting video feeds or cloud AI you're in conspiracy territory.

    ||Now, Tesla's on-device AI processing using the driver's power bill to analyse video on-site and only send the tiny results into the cloud.. is very different. ||

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    Heat Pumps general discussion - Also, anyone with Octopus Energy want to share their referral code?
  • It seems my installation is a fixed price regardless of the size of pump I get. At least, that's what the Octopus rep said on a call. So, is it worthwhile to try to get a larger pump installed if the price is the same?

    Presumably a larger pump won't cost more to run if it's outputting the same power? Or will it? i.e. if I have e.g. a 8kw pump outputting 5kw vs a 10kw pump outputting 5kw, I assume that's the same running cost. Are they more efficient when running at a lower %age of their capacity? i.e. 5/10 rather than 5/8 is more efficient? (PC power supplies are like this, where they're most efficient when supplying around half-ish of their rated capaticty). But the larger pump will give me more capacity in winter, and a faster time to heat water if I need it heating quickly from cold.

    I wouldn't consider oversizing it but since it's a fixed cost I might as well go for the biggest one they'll give me right? :D

    can anyone share their experience of having the heat pump installed? Are they noticably cheaper than gas in practice? tbh I’m looking forward to removing my gas meter and getting rid of the 25p/day standing gas charge. I pay for more for that than the gas itself for most of the year, except the coldest winter months, so that’ll be quite a saving in itself.

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    How much do Americans actually pay for healthcare?
  • You as a Brit spend $5,500

    Eh, on average that may be true. But most people pay far less than that. The NHS's budget is £153bn, and the government raises £950bn in revenue. Of the 950bn, around 25% is from income tax.

    So by that logic, the amount of my income tax that goes to the NHS is about 0.25*153/950 = 4.0%. Last year I paid £6644 in income tax, so that's about £265 to the NHS. I'm not counting National Insurance as those contributions are not for the NHS.

    VAT is also 15% of government revenue, so if I wildly guess that I bought £10k worth of "stuff" last year then that's £2000 in VAT (@ 20% - it's not all necessarily 20% but to simplify), of which £300 went to the NHS.

    So I'm still not even paying £600/year. There are some other small contributions that you could count, but it's not going to make much difference to the final figure. I'm far from rich but I'm more well-off than most people, so the majority of citizens are paying less than me.

    What I'm saying is, for most citizens we actually pay relatively little and get huge value out of the NHS. The rich pay proportionally a lot more, which is how it should be.

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    Chemists of Lemmy, how accurate is this likability table?
  • By that logic you could argue that you're always licking carbon since your tongue has a lot of carbon in it. But I think the carbon has to be pure for it to count. If it's in a compound molecule it's void

  • End to coal power brought forward to October 2024

    The deadline to phase out coal from Great Britain's energy system has been brought forward by a whole year, highlighting the UK’s leadership to go further in driving down emissions and tackling climate change.


    I originally posted this on, but then the instance went down again so fuck it, moving my c/videos subscription to here and restarting this post
