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Anyone know what's happened to
  • urgh, great. Thanks! I've not been able to get in for days but this sorted it. I assumed it was just another extended outage of that instance.

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    Model 3 discharge rate
  • Going down 1% in one night doesn't tell you much. It could have (for example) dropped 0.2% but crossed the percentage boundary. I really don't worry about my car losing power while I'm not using it - the power use is so close to zero with sentry mode off that I never think about it. There's a setting to turn off sentry mode automatically when you're at home or work, so that's what I use.

    There's also ABC: Always Be Charging. If you have a charger available it's better to leave the car plugged in. Using power from the battery adds cycles and degradation to the battery, but when plugged in the car will use power from the wall instead, which doesn't degrade the battery. For example, if you're losing 1% a day that's 3-4 full charge cycles per year which would be saved when plugged in.

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    Model 3 discharge rate
  • You don't need to keep the cabin cool. It's completely fine to let it get hot during the day. It will not cause damage. Every other car manages fine when parked in the sun and tesla is no different. The components are rated for high temperature. Overheat ""protection"" is pretty pointless imo. There's extensive discussion of the topic on the tesla forums.

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    Model 3 discharge rate
  • Yes, and I would expect my gaming pc to be working pretty hard if it's running several ML models on four video feeds in real time.

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    Model 3 discharge rate
  • It's not the standby power draw. It's the computers actively monitoring video streams. If you turn sentry mode off then the car will use almost no power. You might lose closer to something like 1-2% a week with sentry mode off.

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    What are your favourite add-ons/extensions on Firefox?
  • Begs? Bad take. It's the developer's full time job to make those two extensions. They don't materialise out of thin air, someone has to dedicate themself to developing it, hosting the servers which store and send the information, managing the community around them, fixing bugs. That stuff isn't free. The servers alone cost hundreds of dollars per month. If you value the utility that it gives you then paying a small amount for the server cost and the developer's time is completely fair.

    edit: oh and also dearrow is usable entirely for free. The payment is basically optional.

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    What are your favourite add-ons/extensions on Firefox?
  • SponsorBlock. An absolute necessity if you watch youtube on desktop. It skips host-read sponsors in videos, as well as other stuff you might want to skip like intro animations and Interaction Reminders ("don't forget to like and subscribe!").

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    City street network orientation
  • I assume it's unintentional that this is so low resolution that the city names are barely readable

    edit: the original image, before it was rehosted with the shit compressed out of it, is much higher res and is actually readable.

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    How to unchoke yourself if you're dying alone. | Fire Department Chronicles
  • I'd paint him if you don't mind.

    You have my full, perpetual, irrevokable permission. However, as "some guy who took a screenshot of a youtube video", I'm not sure I'm the right person to grant it.

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    How to unchoke yourself if you're dying alone. | Fire Department Chronicles
  • Great watch. Question though - he said aim for just below your rib cage, but demonstrated the chair hitting him like on his nipples

    shouldn't it be like 20cm lower than that, closer to sort of elbow level?

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    Parliament will debate petition: Make lying in the House of Commons a criminal offence - 23rd October 2023
  • They're not gonna do that. Would be nice, but they've responded to previous petitions with "politicians gonna politician, it's up to voters to be educated and not vote for liars". Which, yeah, but also, people keep voting for liars.

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    Trust me bro!
  • Wow, that was a fun read. A perfect example of moving too fast and breaking things, without thinking about the massive damage done in the process.

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    What is your gaming "comfort food" and why?
  • I wouldn't say it's bad. If it were a standalone game it would be good. But it's just not the same as the first one, and it's weirder in a few ways. The first one is SCARY, and has an interesting story. BZ feels sort of contrived, and doesn't capture the magic of the first, sort of trying to replicate the first game's feeling but somehow not quite getting it right. And BZ has a weird ending that I didn't like. And the added cold meter is completely pointless.
