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George Washington
  • George Washington was the richest man in the country and even the most thoroughly conditioned liberal doesn't try to "well actshually" the fact that he owned slaves. A lot of them.

    He'd think Musk was heading in the right direction but wonder why he didn't get rhe whole "slave labor" thi g going more d8rectly in this country.

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    The $34 trillion mountain of national debt is a 'boiling frog' situation for the US economy, JPMorgan warns
  • Yup you all voted to let the rich people keep all their money, dont come skulking around with your hat out talking about how we have to buckle down.

    10 people have all the money, it should not be hard for you configure out who to go after if you need money, if your answer is anybody other than those people fuck off.

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    What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • Yea probably should have included the caveat tools but nothing that would benconsidered a safety device.

    I'm also not buying fall prevention anything for as cheap as possible.

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    Britain risks shift to far right if Labour fails to enact ‘radical change’, says John McDonnell
  • I'd think they would still be a little sour from how their last shift to the far right worked out for them when they decided to tell all their trading partners to fuck off and gave up their ability to travel freely in exchange for the ability to be more cruel to immigrants.

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    What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • Tools and sports equipment especially if it's something niche.

    People shit on harbor freight but if you need a new tool or something for a hobby it's probably not something you're going to use often if youve already soent any significant tiem doing that hobby.

    Buy the cheapest version of it and of you use it enough to either break it or figure out what parts of the design you don't like it's a good sign spending a little extra on a better version isn't a waste.

    Especially getting into a new hobby avoiding the urge to buy expensive shit right at the beginning because you think it'll make you better at the thing.

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    Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back
  • "Turning a blind eye" - that guy

    "There will absolutely not be any conditions on our aid to Isreal, the only condition is defending isreal" - Biden

    Sounds like he's got his eye pretty squarely on the prize to me

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    Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back
  • I'm not voting for either which means I'm actually voting for both of them which means I'm legally voting twice.

    Why do libs insist on only voting once when they could vote for neither and vote twice. Why are they neglecting their right to vote by only voting half as much as if they didn't vote for anybody.

    Also this argument makes lots of sense.

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    ‘I am a Zionist,’ says Biden at Hanukkah event, promises continued military assistance to Israel
  • Buddy it took you 3 seconds from finding grout about the concentration camps to falling all over yourself defending them.

    You're gonna have to come up with a better campaign message then "I'm ok with concentration camps because I don't think that's fascism" if you want anyone to take you seriously.

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    ‘I am a Zionist,’ says Biden at Hanukkah event, promises continued military assistance to Israel
  • Lol nobody ever said that was thenonly thing it's just literally the first example somebody brought up and you admitted you weren't aware of it and then i.mediatly started defending. (By the way hope you have a moment of clarity at some point and realize you're literally defending concentration camps)

    The fact you went from admitting you didn't know about them to defending them in approximately 3 seconds makes me think that maybe you aren't being sincere when you say you don't just blindly support him.

    The half dozen comments explicitly defending concentration camps and literally saying "Oh so just because he's expanding concentration traction camps suddenly he's a fascist" confirms that belief.

    If my purity test of "don't expand concentration camps" is too extreme for liberals that's liberals problem not mine.

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    ‘I am a Zionist,’ says Biden at Hanukkah event, promises continued military assistance to Israel
  • Well yea you conveniently cut off the part of my comment that was the question lmao surely a sign of a good faith debate.

    You're not willing to call somebody expanding what you admitted were concentration camps a fascist? Seems like your political opinions can be pretty easily discarded then since they're objectively worthless.

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    ‘I am a Zionist,’ says Biden at Hanukkah event, promises continued military assistance to Israel
  • Right back at you buddy. Have fun somehow losing to a geriatric fascist for the second time in a decade while telling yourself it's everybody's fault but your own even though your voter outreach involves telling the people who's vote you need to go fuck themselves.

    Let me know how simultaneously pissing off POC and Muslims works out for you in Michigan. You think your guy will actually campaign there this time?

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    ‘I am a Zionist,’ says Biden at Hanukkah event, promises continued military assistance to Israel
  • According to 90% of both parties in the house criticism of the state of Isreal is anti semitism so if you wanna get mad at somebody for conflating terms go yell at a liberal.

    Also love that you're trying the argument that him saying he's a zionist doesn't necessarily mean he supports what Isreal is doing, conveniently ignoring the second half of his sentence was "which is why I will continue to support Isreal in what they are doing"

    Also just so you know when you come in here, insist we have to vote for Biden, say that Biden saying "I'm a zionist which is why I will continue to support isreals war" doesn't mean that Biden supports what Isreal is doing, tell us to go fuck ourselves, and then tell us we dont understand how anything works that just confirms everybody already pretty firmly held beliefs that you're full of shit and not worth engaging with, and deffinitly not worth supporting your candidates.

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    ‘I am a Zionist,’ says Biden at Hanukkah event, promises continued military assistance to Israel
  • Lmao yea were the lazy ones not the guy who said

    "you have to vote for Joe because reasons"

    "Those reasons are bulkshit and here's why"

    "Fuck you I'm not here to impress you"

    Liberals continue to be the worst electioneering on the face of the planet

    Remember this when you're telling yourself Biden lost because progressives didn't support him and remeber your solution to that was to tell us to fuck our selves and you don't care what we think

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    ‘I am a Zionist,’ says Biden at Hanukkah event, promises continued military assistance to Israel
  • To be clear didn't read any of that horseshit past your first sentence because clearly it would be a waste of time.

    So everybody has an idea of how much energy to waste trying to have conversations with you I wan a make this really clear. Are you saying there is no objective way to know whether or not Biden said he is a zionist who will fully support Isreal here?

    Because if that's the case I think you're confusing "objective reality" for "literacy"

    Because we're literally commenting on an article that directly quotes Joe Biden as saying that.

    So unless you're saying what Biden says has no connection to reality (you could probably get somewhere with this but pretty sure that's not your point) not really sure what you're backup is.

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    ‘I am a Zionist,’ says Biden at Hanukkah event, promises continued military assistance to Israel
  • Holy shit "ok so there's one example of him expanding concentration camps what's your point point"

    I have tonassume you're doing a bit right? Even the most die hard liberal couldn't agree that they are concentration camps and dismiss it as "so what" right.

    Honest question, you just explicitly told us Biden expanding concentration traction camps doesn't neggatively effect your opinion of him. Why would anybody who isn't a proud self proclaimed fascists give a single shit what you think.

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    ‘I am a Zionist,’ says Biden at Hanukkah event, promises continued military assistance to Israel
  • We got a 1 comment folks.

    Always love to see how long it takes liberals to go from insisting we have to vote for him to literally telling us to go fuck ourselves, congratulations on setting the lowest possible score.
