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[Anecdotal evidence]
  • This is funny because I read it as "Democrats don't control the weather and [they] create hurricanes to destroy Florida."

    Media literacy strikes again. You could state what you stated and yet someone will still believe they create hurricanes without the ability to control weather.

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    Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me?
  • Interesting! I never really found the combat to be all that tedious or enemies too difficult so long as you kept up with alchemy, oils and gear upgrades.

    Obviously, different strokes for different folks. There's a reason one of the difficulties is story only.

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    Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me?
  • I try to get everyone to try playing on Death March, no fast travel.

    I did my first playthrough like this. There's so much to see in the world and so many paths to take. Fast travel is neat and all but you may miss out on so much. I took it a step further and also didn't leave regions/nations until I completed the map. I found more incidental quests by taking a wrong turn or a shortcut over a hill than I did by following the main quests.

    On Death March: It's actually not hard at all and feels like how the gake should be played. What it actually does is forces you to look at the bestiary, learn or guess weaknesses and attack patterns then use potions, spells and pils to fight enemies. It actually feels like playing the witcher as lore accurately as possible. Going to the local herbalist, buying supplies, meditating then hunting down the enemies.

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    First Ever REBIRTH in NES Tetris
  • To add on: After a certain level is reached there are a multitude of tile combinations you have to avoid or they cause a hard crash. I believe oldschool tetris used to be played until the very first hard crash and that's where everyone thought the record would end. Prior to that was the development of rolling which allowed players to get past the original game over state that sped tiles up too fast to react to.

    Now we have players so proficient they've memorised crash states, and are rolling over the game.

    I wonder how long until Points + Prestige become an antiquated measuring system.

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    Supporters of Israel's actions in Gaza - why do you think the Geneva convention should not apply?
  • I'll just add that according to modern Laws of Armed Conflict (LOAC) the current definition of a military target may include schools, hospitals, religious sites and culturally relevent monuments should they be used by enemy forces.

    Even in WW1 and WW2 when these rules were being written, if your enemy was hiding in a church, that was okay. But if they stored munitions or fired from the church, it and everyone in it would be considered valid military targets.

    It was designed that way in order to stop soldiers from hiding in hospitals and schools saying "You can't shoot us, there are women, children and the sick in here" while they used that amnesty to kill countless others.

    Just a distinction a lot of people tend to miss when they talk about "The Geneva Convention."

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    META: Let's remove the "NATO" stain from the fedi canvas! - Extend the pride flag! - Say "NO!" to imperialism!
  • So what's the alternative to combatting Russian and Chinese imperialism as a western-born leftist?

    How would/should an organised socialist military industrial complex shake out and not also be labeled imperialist? As someone who hasn't read Lenin, what is the solution to creating a society we dream of without the "big stick" that is NATO?

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    Conservative Owns the Libs by Paying $4,000 a Month for His Ford F-350
  • I ride a bicycle in a rural area and built a new office this spring. With a trailer, store delivery or a $20 rental I don't think I ever ran into any of the problems you describe. The bicycle has gone hunt camping rain or shine, I dirt bike, street bike and work a rugged job.

    If I really needed it I have the wife's sedan which handles -40 winters and 50cm snow drifts just fine. Equipped with a roof rack and small trailer I can move myself just fine if the need is there.

    Aside from hauling large trailers or campers I fail to see the utility of a pickup as described. Even when hauling plywood or construction supplies I've opted for the home depot van before even considering a pickup. If I wanted a 2*4 sticking out of the end I would have taken the Sedan anyway.

    I think a lot of the truck owner mentality comes down to mental gymnastics or "What if?". Aside from rare use cases it just doesn't seem like the play. Even for yourself you mentioned the pickup is an edge case.

    These are all things people consider when talking about truck owners. The rest of the world can see life without pickups, can justify life without pickups and even prefers life without pickups but for some reason... Pickup drivers can't stop talking about them as if they need to justify it to themselves more than to the world.

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    That's not troubling at all
  • You're in for a good couple of weeks to months of reading depending on how fast you read.

    Really fun set of series. Reddit had a great Asimov sub with recommended reading orders since Asimov had the tendency to publish things in a weird timeline. Any way you choose is a fantastic time though.

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    That's not troubling at all
  • The robot that was bestowed with unimaginable precognician that survived for 20 Millenia patiently guiding humanity along the right path as prescribed by the Zeroth law of robotics forced on it that drove all other robots mad?

    The robot that at every turn was curtailed by human lust and greed? That had to do horrible things because humanity lacked the foresight to see that charging a living being with "Doing no harm to humanity or by inaction causing harm" would be just awful for that soul?

    Pretty sure Demerzel always worked in the shadows for the greater good. Especially when operating as Olivaw.

    Seems to me like humans are the ones that kept messing up the laws of robotics. Not the other way around.

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    That's not troubling at all
  • Aren't the books really more about how the rules work but humans just can't accept them so we constantly alter them to our detriment until the robots go away for a while and then take over largely to our benefit?

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    That's not troubling at all
  • I mean... Kind of Asimov's robot series? Except the androids/robots were trying so hard to stay to the rules and protect humans but at every chance they could humans fucked that up or refused to see the plan.

    At least as I recall, the robots basically came up with multi-millenia spanning plans that would solve all of humanity's problems and then humans were like: "Cool. But what if we made robots detectives and they could also target people we don't like?" Then the robots fucked off for a while and a bunch of stuff happened and... Yeah. Asimov wrote a lot of books.

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    Uh oh
  • Just gonna put this album here.

    edit: Well, I'm surprised this got downvoted considering the entire theme of the album is a CME knocking out telecommunications and computer systems on earth leading to a total collapse of human society. Just a fun thing I came across and was reminded of with all the solar flare memes lately.

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    Firefox community things [HELP]
  • Who are you people with more than like 10 tabs open at once? Do you guys just not close something after you're done reading it?

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    Fatherly hazing
  • Eh new guy la ouien toien mon'tit sauce. Vien-cit câlis. Cherche moien une Clé Taurus à home depot. Ouien une C L É T A U R U S. Les chums aux "service desk" va savoir c'est quoi. Away let's go crisse.
