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Woman strikes a Swedish neonazi with her handbag, 1985
  • Arabs haven’t gotten me to scream anything, the Israelis and their actions have. And you’re exactly right, they continue to ethnically cleanse the area like good little Nazis.

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    Netflix to open branded retail stores for some reason
  • Sell their souls? 😂 you live in a completely different world than most people. hsrdly anyone views it that way, they view it as paying $18/month or whatever it is now

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    Netflix is planning to raise prices… again
  • We keep saying this but they keep profiting more and more every time lol. Remember when everyone on reddit was gonna quit Netflix for the password sharing block? Ya, their users increased afterwards.

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    Comment chain becomes unreadable with depth
  • I thought there was an update that stopped this from happening, but early on there were so many threads about this. I've since moved to ios so I haven't used sync in a long time, just enjoy following certain developers
