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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 wk. ago
  • Problem seems to be that Max is just a different kind of driver, and the RBs are (seemingly) built to his needs. So you're always gonna have others having to work with a car not suited to their own strengths.

    That's why 2026 will be Max's chance out, while new cars are yet to be built. But whoever takes him in is gonna have similar issues.

  • Remember at the start of this war Germany could not send the artillery shells (and maybe tanks? Don't recall exactly) it wanted to Ukraine because they were being made in Switzerland.

    This is the logical consequence of the Swiss neutrality position.

  • Let's see ....

    • Reichstag Fire Decree - 6-3 Supreme Court
    • Ministry of Propaganda - check
    • Dachau - check
    • Enabling Act - check (effectively in last budget bill)

    Jewish Boycott & Civil service purge <- We are here now (day 67 of Hitler's reign, currently day 70 for Shitler)

    To go before end of summer:

    • End of Unions
    • Book Burnings
    • Law for the Encouragement of Marriage (forcing more tradwives - working on it)
    • Political opposition outlawed
    • The Editor's Law (in progress, has willing billionaires aiding)
  • Considering the amount of aero tests Red Bull has been doing, I think they're in for a stinker.

    Ferrari's bigger issue is their consistently wrong tactical decisions, the wing regulations is nothing compared to that.

  • Pretty sure it would end up with a single nation ... the United Provinces of Canada.

    Although maybe a Confederated States of Losers between them and Mexico wouldn't be a bad dumping ground for all the redcaps