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Costco to start scanning membership cards at the entrance of all its stores
  • The same as other states where you can buy alcohol without a membership, like Kentucky. They have you wait while a supervisor comes over to override the membership scan.

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    Bitcoin is Stupid and Does Not Deserve an Emoji (blog post)
  • No single wallet has even close to 1 million Bitcoins. It's a public block chain and you can find a list of the largest wallets in a website like this:

    Also, regarding the unfair advantage of the genesis block, Bitcoin's code was actually written in a way that prevents this balance from being transfered. It's forever locked in the wallet at this address: 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa.

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    So much for Blockchain's real life use cases
  • 5 Euros seems like a pretty standard fee for a Bitcoin transfer, which is insanely cheap for large transfers. Your 30 Euro transaction is more suitable for the lightning network, which handles off-chain transactions for much lower fees. The person you were responding to was specifically talking about the lightning network.

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    Disney heiress, wealthy Democratic donors say they won't finance the party until Joe Biden drops out
  • Disney pointed to Vice President Kamala Harris as a solid alternative to Biden, arguing she’d be able to defeat Trump.

    “We have an excellent Vice President.  If Democrats would tolerate any of her perceived shortcomings even one tenth as much as they have tolerated Biden’s (and let’s not kid ourselves about where race and gender figure in that inequity) and if Democrats can find a way to stop quibbling and rally around her, we can win this election by a lot,” Disney said.

    I'm not saying I agree with the choice, but she absolutely gives a recommendation, and elaborates on her reasoning.

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    True actual sailing games are underrated and a criminally underexplored genre of video game simulation... which is why Pancake Sailor is the next free game you should try!
  • I hope the $20 doesn't set you back too much! I think you're gonna really like it though. I already have about 77 hours of playtime, and most of that was before the recent ship-customization updates. I know early-access is a contentious subject, but the developers have been pretty steady with updates.

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    Saw a nazi today
  • That boogie-board enthusiast, who happened to be born in 1988, is going to be pretty pissed if they try changing their license plate.

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    You ain't fooling anyone
  • Yeah, unfortunately I don't know anything about the source individual. I just read this quote in a book recently (The 4-Hour Work Week). There seemed to be 1-2 great quotes in each chapter and I wrote a few of them down.

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  • Yes, first-past-the-post voting results in a two-party system; however, it doesn't dictate which two parties are in power. Dominant parties have dropped out of favor in the past and been replaced with a new two-party pairing. Its been a while since the Whig party was an option.

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    Bernie would have won...
  • Bernie convinced me to change my registration from Republican to Democrat. I couldn't agree more with your message and I really wish Bernie would have had a fair shot in the primary. I believe he would have won in the general election and the country would have benefit from him.

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    Bernie would have won...
  • Get ready to have your mind blown. I was a lifelong Republican voter prior to Bernie and switched my registration to Democrat to vote for him in the primary. If he were to make it, he absolutely would have been my choice for president. Many of my friends at the time switched as well because we believed in his message. However, after seeing the coordinated effort from the DNC to shut him out in favor of Hillary, I ended up voting 3rd-party. I'm still registered as a Democrat; however, neither of the current top two parties will likely get my vote again. I believe you underestimate how wide an audience can be intrigued by something different than the usual corporate options.

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  • What is "how America works" in this context? You seem to be trying to make the point that 3rd-party voting only hurts Biden. I'm pointing to recent polling that shows that, when 3rd-party options are included, Biden's margins get closer to victory. You should be thanking 3rd-parties if you are hoping for a Biden victory.
