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Everyone's a nerd about something. What are you a nerd about?
  • It’s there! Right on top of the Root boxes :)

    I love Brian Boru, but I’m still not very good at it! The drafting feels like it has a pretty high skill ceiling.

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    Everyone's a nerd about something. What are you a nerd about?
  • It’s really fun! It’s definitely a completely different kind of game than an Eclipse or Twilight Imperium, but if you like heavy euros there’s a lot to like about it. I really enjoy the unique technologies in each game, and the ability to define your own scoring criteria through agendas.

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    Everyone's a nerd about something. What are you a nerd about?
  • I haven’t! I’ve been to a couple smaller conventions local to me, and definitely would like to attend one of the “big ones” like GenCon :-)

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    Everyone's a nerd about something. What are you a nerd about?
  • Boardgames! I used to be more into trading card games like Magic, but got tired of the cost and constant churn, and then spent the last couple years delving deeper into boardgames, including hosting a weekly game night that regularly has 8-10 people :)

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    What are you playing this weekend?
  • Got to play Barrage and Aegean Sea last night.

    Barrage is my favorite Luciani design so far, by a long shot, compared to Darnwin’s Journey and Golem. I didn’t actually do that well, but I’m itching to play again.

    Aegean Sea is very different from the other Carl Chudyk games I’ve played. The cards tend to be pretty restrictive in what they do and need, so there are often cards in hand that you can’t play. This means the gameplay leans more heavily on tactical play from turn to turn, blocking opponents where possible and figuring out what the best move you can perform with a given hand of cards. Still feels very deep in terms of learning how best to leverage your unique faction and how to control the pace of the game.

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    Game recommendation time
  • If you like Innovation and want another awesome sense card game from the same designer, check out Mottainai.

    Inis is pretty much in a category of its own, but another great area control game with interesting card play is Brian Boru.
