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economics is not a hard science
  • First you would have to find someone who thought economics were closer to physics.

    No, at least someone who graduated kindergarden.

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  • When the vatican got its worldl privileges from the Nazis in exchange for helping Hitler pass the Enablement Act, control of education and many university chairs was one of the ke things they wanted. You don't grow a protitable service / extortion business dor 2000 years without knowing about how to create the next generation of your customers.

    Some people say religion is a virus. I disagree. I think it's better described as a root kit that is installed before the age of reason, so that it is accepted as truth and the rest of the world view is constructed around it/adapting to it.

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    YSK that your power in a negotiation falls down quickly the more dependent you are on the result of the negotiation
  • Yep. You needto know your BATNA going into any negotiation. If you don't have an acceptable BATNA, you are not in a negotiation but in an unconditional surrender pleading for mercy.

    BATNA is the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement.

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    Could we have had Beast Wars in the 60s?
  • They won't provide or create the framework for proper health care in the US because private health care is a very effective extortion scheme that can pay for the laws they want.

    And the pharma companies like it like that.

    "Oh, you like living? Too bad you live in the US, where we will charge you 10x what everyone else in the world pays for the insulin you need to survive. Pay up or die.

    There is a reason the US has the most expensive health care system in the world, while the health care system quality using objective criteria,l is usually around rank 40-60, below practically all western countries, below cuba and comparable to Armenia or Morocco.

    The US is also basically the only industrialized country where medical bankruptcy is a thing.
