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  • That's just a higher level variation of the normal mirelurk king. Just like an albino deathclaw is a higher level variation of the normal one. Also the mirelurk deep kings stats on the wiki are still lower than the queens.

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  • Maybe I'm having a mandela effect moment but I don't remember a "way bigger, way harder to kill" mirelurk king after the queen. The mirelurk king in-game is the size of a deathclaw tops and I think it's stats are definitely weaker when compared to the queens. Is there a special one that spawns after the queen that I am forgetting?

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    Baldur's Gate 3 gets its first patch/hotfix, addressing numerous bugs, crashes and visual issues
  • That's just how game development works nowadays, it's not exclusive to western CRPGs though it might be more prominent in them.

    Truth is games have gotten extremely robust and complex aince the days of Doom. Instead of 100s of interactions games now have dozens of thousands and all of them come with the possibility of a bug or multiple bugs.

    It is unfeasable to expect them all to be found and ironed out at release. That would take thousands of QA testers and months of testing after the game has gone gold, which is just a roundabout way of doing Early Access.

    You have also to keep in mind the shift from games being made from a "one-and-done" perspective to a "live-service/continued support" one. The fact that devs update and patch their games is actually a good thing overall. The other option would be they just abandon them and that'd be it.

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    Reddit beats film industry, won’t have to identify users who admitted torrenting
  • Convicted? No, but it might be enough to open an investigation or get a warrant.

    Though even then, depending on the crime and circumstances (severity/time passed/likeliness of the crime having ocurred) they might not even bother.

    If a confession of crime was all it took to convict then any crazy person could walk into a police station and confess to any number of things, but it obviously wouldnt be right to just take them on their word and lock them up.

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    Diablo 4 players plan to boycott Season 1 after “out of touch” 1.1.0 update | Charlie INTEL
  • Never heard of CharlieIntel before and after skimming through this "article" and seeing it is unironically sourcing reddit threads, I simply cannot. Sincerely hope whomever runs this shitty website finds another hobby cuz this ain't it.
