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Jimmy Carter Stood up for Palestinians. Why Won’t Today’s Democrats?
  • It's also really hard to support a group whose opening sally was parading around the body of a dead innocent on the back of a truck.

    There shouldn't be any support for either political side here. Neither is morally superior. The only people deserving support are the poor citizens getting punished for their bloodthirsty leaders. Atrocities should never be supported, no matter the justifications.

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    Why Do Teens Use TikTok for Mental Health Diagnoses?
  • Besides all the reasons other commenters have said, it's because mental health is a pseudo-social phenomenon among teens.

    Having a mental illness gets them attention, online and in person. I have two teens, and even though both have diagnosed mental illness due to trauma from their other parent, they still seek, discuss, and revel in self-diagnoses.

    If a friend claims to have something, they rush to the internet to do "research," and begin exhibiting "symptoms." Same thing is true with other labels.

    We have a dearth of parenting, due to needing two incomes to make a household run. Adult attention is scarce, so teens make up for it with wild claims and garnering attention from other teens. The internet makes it easy to model behaviors. So yes, there is an increase in mental illness, but not the kinds, nor for the reasons the internet would have us believe.

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    Why The Problem Isn’t Single-Parent Families
  • It's tricks people use. It is always beneficial to examine your own biases and try to figure out if you're thinking inside an unnecessary box. Even on a personal rather than political level.

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    Political independents found to be more negative than partisans: Study
  • It's possible to feel strongly and still be independent. Partisan politics package often inconsistent ideology together. You don't have to be milquetoast to want an a la carte approach to politics.

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    What was the formative horror game of your childhood?
  • My brother and I used to play a game called Splatterhouse on Turbografx-16. It was humorously horrifying, given the highly pixellated gore on screen.

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    "How can we make lemmy a safer place for women? Is it even possible to?" -
  • Everything you said is so true.

    I rarely comment with this (Beehaw) handle, because so many men see an opposing point of view as an excuse to school me on being nice. It's NOT MEAN to refuse to accept someone telling you what you meant. It's NOT MEAN to have an opinion while female. And if it is mean, then I'm happy to be mean.

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    ‘You Know What To Do, Boys’: Sexist App Lets Men Rate AI-Generated Women
  • Point out where I spoke for all women?

    I can perfectly handle you saying what is a turn off to you. I just told you I'm glad to be a turn off for you, if you think sheer physical appearance is enough to be attracted.

    I'm moving on from this conversation, now. Your emotions are getting in your way here, and I'm not interested in playing Whack-a-Mole on your straw men.

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    ‘You Know What To Do, Boys’: Sexist App Lets Men Rate AI-Generated Women
  • Where did I once compare men to women, or say they were inferior? Every comment called out a pattern of behavior, which pattern is the topic of the article.

  • So I had a situation at work where the project lead refused to communicate with me, and instead went to my boss about everything. I thought it was me, but my (male) boss suggested it might be misogyny. (My work is male dominated. I'm the only female lead of my role in the company.)

    I occasionally run into situations where someone, man or woman, not only dislikes me but does everything they can to destroy me. I figure I'm just offputting, but I've had unrelated comments from others that it is because I'm direct and opinionated, and not afraid to defend my opinion.

    I'm having a hard time mentally processing the opposing concepts that I'm a bad person, and that is why I make this kind of enemy, and that there's nothing wrong with me, it's their problem.

    For the record, I have all kinds of self- deprecating behaviors to try to soften my opinions, and they generally work. Just sometimes, there is no way for me to have a perspective and not be offensive to someone.

    I'd welcome your experiences and thoughts, if any.
