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Mazda’s DMCA takedown kills a hobbyist’s smart car API tool
  • I'll be buying a new car soon. Fuck Mazda.

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    Zoom CEO says Zoom meetings hinder innovation and debate, wants employees back in the office
  • Some people drink Pepsi. Some people drink Coke. The wacky morning DJ says democracy's a joke.

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    Colorado Cop Who Left Handcuffed Woman on Train Tracks Says It was an Accident
  • Aww c'mon now, it was just a little whoopsie-doodle! We all make mistakes! Surely, it's not fair to hold those who enforce the violence of the state upon the rest of us to the same standard we hold regular people to!

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    What are the best cooking hacks you've learned over the years?
  • @PoodleDoodle

    • when dicing onions cut radially first, then slice across, it saves you that weird half slice that's traditionally used for dicing onions.

    • I use cast iron for nearly everything, it survives a hundred years because it's bulletproof not because it's gingerly handled every time it's removed from it's velvet case. People dragged them around on Chuck wagons, you will not kill it with soap. Worst case it gets a little sticky and now you need to cook some bacon in it.

    • A splash of acid in your soup or stew at the end really wakes it up.

    • Never cook rice without at least a couple bay leaves. Ideally you'll cook it in chicken stock as well, add flavour where you can.

    • The best chicken stock in a jar is Better Than Bullion. Hands down. No contest.

    • With a splash of oil you can cook eggs even in a sticky cast iron pan.

    • Always use hand protection of some kind with a mandolin. I've never seen a non-pro chef go without and not fuck up their hand. Even pros lose the tips of their fingers sometimes too.

    • If you want to recreate movie theater popcorn at home you need the following things:
      A whirlypop or other stovetop cooker
      Coconut oil, refined
      Popcorn kernels, quality varies, find a good brand
      Fine salt
      "Popcorn oil" - this is butter flavored oil sold next to the kernels

    Here's what you do, set up a bowl to dump your popcorn in, throw some salt in the whirlypop with a spoon of coconut oil, and just a tiny glug of the popcorn oil, not much just a tad. Add your kernels, crank the heat to high and start cranking. Do. Not. Stop. The popcorn will begin to pop after an interminable wait. Keep cranking until it either gets hard to crank or the popping slows down significantly. Then quickly dump your popcorn into the waiting bowl. Do not add salt, you already did this, the fine salt will be well distributed this way. Add a bit of popcorn oil. Shake the bowl a bit to distribute, add more if desired etc. Then enjoy your movie theater popcorn.

    It took me years to work out how to do it without the Naks oil, which I bought from a local popcorn shop for awhile.

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    Are there any good jobs out there where you can show up, do your work, and then just leave when it's done?
  • @GizmoLion The swishy smooth lines you guys make with the squeegee on the giant plate glass windows were my one of my favorite parts of the day when I worked at gas stations.

