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Don't trust the demon
  • I have them... Gets used every few months for a few days.

    The trick is to reduce that gap until it becomes a habit. Not going back after a gap is the problem

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    Microplastics are stored in the balls
  • Probably a visualisation in terms of weight, not size. Imagine that much liquid ig.

    Extremely concerning nonetheless. Lead asbestos level

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    that's not-
  • Yep it's not the correct context to use it unless there are accessibility requirements. For example the tool is frequently used by people who are in the neurodivergent spectrum

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    that's not-
  • I'm a visual designer, tricks like this are often used to increase legibility.

    Like how the brain scans the first and last alphabet and guesses the word with a blurry sense of what's in between. It helps cognition.

    This pattern will help the eyes jump from one word to the next and older people will have an easier time following through the sentence.

    Ofcourse the actual reason here could be different, since that can be done with even less effort.
