he/him. from the birdsite (@Andres4NY and before that @NEGreenways).
Dad #NYC #Bikes #FreeTransit #SafeStreets #BanCars #Debian #FreeSoftware #ACAB #Vegetarian #WearAMask
My wife's an #epidemiologist, so you'll get some #COVID talk too.
Trans rights are human rights.

@mesamunefire @cm0002 Voice + Syncthing-fork is what I use. It syncs between an audiobook directory on my laptop and my phone.

@towerful @baatliwala For real though, I use old laptops for self-hosting so that I never have to dig up a monitor & keyboard.

@tuxec @zygohistomorpheus Is "soyware" related to the pejorative "soyboy"?

@Shimitar @whysofurious Same. Getting an enclosure that can properly use linux's uas driver rather than the usb-storage driver is a night-and-day difference. Read the reviews and get a dedicated single-drive enclosure for like $30, and don't overlook cooling. Sometimes an external usb fan is a better option than an enclosure with built-in fans but poor airflow.

@Sunny Backups are done weekly, using Restic (and with '--read-data-subset=9%' to verify that the backup data is still valid).
But that's also in addition to doing nightly Snapraid syncs for larger media, and Syncthing for photos & documents (which means I have copies on 2+ machines).
Syncthing DNS Selfhosting

@werefreeatlast I do this with yggdrasil. Every yggdrasil host gets its own unique private IPv6 address (routeable only to other yggdrasil hosts). As long as you have a single yggdrasil host that's located in public (I use a VPS for this), you can reach any of the yggdrasil hosts from any of the other ones via their IPv6 address. I then map those addresses with DNS, so I don't have to ever type them.

@ohshit604 @AbidanYre Nah, they are still doing releases, but they're hidden. You have to combine the past few releases to unlock the url for the latest release.
[I'm joking, of course.]

@sxan @elyviere In particular, there are two gl.inet models that you can install openwrt on: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/best-newcomer-routers-2024/189050/2
The other models run modified openwrt but don't necessarily allow you to install a stock openwrt release.

@Decipher0771 @victory Neat, I didn't know keepalived was still active and popular. https://bugs.debian.org/144100

@cm0002 @aberratejuniorbeatnik That looks like a 15A receptacle (https://www.icrfq.net/15-amp-vs-20-amp-outlet/). If it was installed on a 20A circuit (with a 20A breaker and wiring sized for 20A), then the receptacle was the weak point. Electricians often do this with multiple 15A receptacles wired together for Reasons (https://diy.stackexchange.com/questions/12763/why-is-it-safe-to-use-15-a-receptacles-on-a-20-a-circuit) that I disagree with for exactly what your picture shows. That said, overloading it is not SUPER likely to cause a fire - just destroy the outlet and appliance plugs.

@ripcord @GnuLinuxDude The lifecycle of my laptops:
years 1-5: I use them.
years 5-10: my kids use them (generally beating the crap out of them, covering them in boogers/popsicle juice, dropping them, etc).
years 10-15: low-power selfhosted server which tucks away nicely, and has its own screen so that when something breaks I don't need to dig up an hdmi cable and monitor.
EDIT: because the OP asks for hardware: my current backup & torrent machine is a 4th gen i3 latitude e7240.

@Disaster @Sunny I found tmobile's 5g to be reasonably priced ($50/mo) and solid speeds. Much better than spectrum, but it depends on how close to a tower you are.
Sadly, https://www.nycmesh.net/ isn't out in central queens yet.

@meldrik @qaz I've got a bunch of older, smaller drives, and as they fail I'm slowly transitioning to much more efficient (and larger) HGST helium drives. I don't have measurements, but anecdotally a dual-drive USB dock with crappy 1.5A power adapter (so 18W) couldn't handle spinning up two older drives but could handle two HGST drives.

@chronicledmonocle @sugarinyourtea This is why I love yggdrasil. Thanks to having a VPS running it that all of my hosts globally can connect to, I can just use IPv6 for everything and reverse proxy using those IPv6 addresses where I need to. Once hosts are connected and on my private yggdrasil network, I stop caring about CGNAT or IPv4 at all other than to maybe create public IPv4 access to a service.

@Atemu Drives from the mid/late-2000s in particular were just poorly behaved for me. Recent drives (2014+) have been much better. Who knows how 2030s drives will behave? So I will continue scrubbing data as I swap out older drives for newer ones.

@Atemu Well yes, this is experience of self-hosting for close to 25 years, with a mix of drives over those years. I have noticed much better quality drives in the past decade (helium hdds running cooler/longer, nvram, etc) with declining failure rates and less corruption.
But especially if you're talking about longer time scales like that ("every few decades"), it's difficult to account for technology changes.

@Atemu @beastlykings Every few decades seems optimistic. I have an archive of photos/videos from cameras and phones spanning from early 2000s to mid-2010s. There's not a lot, maybe 6gb; a few thousand files. At some point around the end of that time period, I noticed corruption in some random photos.
Likewise, I have a (3tb) flac archive, which is about 15-20 years old. Nightly 'flac -t' checks are done on 1/60th of the archive, essentially a scrub. Bitrot has struck a dozen times so far.

@IsoKiero I don't know about "latest and greatest", but your bog-standard solution seems about right; just add radicale into the mix, and you've got calendaring and contacts.