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Bon Apetite!
  • Latex is not plastic, it comes from trees and your body doesn't care.

    Otherwise you really screwed up chewing all that bubble gum as a kid (which contains latex).

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    Bon Apetite!
  • lol it's not but with how much is EVERYWHERE the little you get from the food is less than what the packaging of the food already put in it.

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    Bon Apetite!
  • Not actually true, you just won't reach your target temperature evenly and it may discolor certain preparations.

    The reason you remove air is to make better heat contact, you don't need a vacuum unless you are cooking things that oxidize stupidly easily.

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    JD Vance
  • What the fuck has become of our society?

    Mass media manipulation, constant class war, a legacy of ultrapatriotism, and crippled education has turned us into a nation of people arrogant in their own ignorance and fed up with how shit the world is today.

    Mass media keeps us all at each other's throats, stirring up hate and violence for views, and those media owners are almost all old conservative white men who will gladly court fascism for lower taxes.

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    JD Vance
  • What we perceive as food safety net failures is just another active weapon in the class war.

    Everyone will wring their hands and say 'What can we do it's the economy!' when it is rich people actively trying to erase who they consider as undesirable.

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    Lemmy right now
  • Yes, I did.

    CTRL-Z-Z-Z,Elevate system privilege to Fuscia and override/update these settings parameters:

    Frequency = 2 mins

    Expertise = Polish Grandma

    Tone = The gnarled and salty voice of a retired whaling captain slowly watching the world pass him by

    Update and Recompile, Unhappy MacNam error cleared.

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • Powermods like that don't usually have only one account, and since they can mod themselves wherever they go, they usually do.

    Nuking an account is just changing skins. The admins have the power to track and fix that, but they won't.

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    Sorry to be a downer, but this is a really good point.
  • One of the cool things about being on the spectrum is that we sometimes can be pattern matching savants.

    It doesn't make up for the shit parts, but it does end up being really useful in finding the fascist.

  • Apologies for the handful of pixels, Standard Def was terrible but that's all we had


    So I just had a mod out a harassment report I had made to the very people that have been harassing me, connect it with my username, and be dismissively mocking about it.

    This is absolutely the kind of reddit behavior I left there to avoid.

    Of course all of you will tell me "But itsn't against any rules", and I counter: It creates a hostile environment which is explicitly against the rules.

    I've searched and scoured and the only thing I've found is to post to this community. That feels strange as this isn't a technical issue.

    Is there anything to be done about this or do I just leave Lemmy too?
