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No it's the vegans who's wrong
  • Marigolds: my beloved

    It's totally possible to garden without murdering tonnes of beings

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    Rice, Chickpeas and Potatoes
  • I don't mix my rice in 🤷‍♀️

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    Bean and Rice Enchiladas
  • Fuck yeah enchiladas are the best

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    Fancy pants weekend meal for me and my sweetheart
  • Hell yeah unbreakable dishes my partner has had for at least 13 years.

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    Fancy pants weekend meal for me and my sweetheart
  • I used your suggestion to rinse the TVP and the EPC method to cook it that Bulba suggested!

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    caesar salad pizza
  • I can only imagine how satisfying each bit must be!

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    Stuffed Peppers
  • Woah! What a way to make pouch rice super fancy. Looks delicious.

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    How do you guys feel about the Youtube channel Sauce Stache?
  • Which movement? Plant based capitalism or veganism? Veganism will do just fine.

    Veganism is more than just not eating animal products. If it's not anti-speciest, it's not vegan.

    Hamid's reply has some good information in it. If people find his videos and recipes useful, then great! But I certainly don't hold influencers in high regards. Their job is engagement and selling.

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    I made black bean tacos
  • They look so damn refreshing 🤤

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    How do you guys feel about the Youtube channel Sauce Stache?
  • I'm not about supporting people who profit from veganism (period, but especially if they aren't vegan themselves).

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    How do you guys feel about the Youtube channel Sauce Stache?
  • Thompson and Stone, who are set to tie the knot in October, are pescetarians. “Our plant-based journey is a little tough because of medical reasons,” says Thompson.

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    How do you guys feel about the Youtube channel Sauce Stache?
  • He's not vegan so 🤷‍♀️

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    Oil free vegan struggle meals with Arcane Potato: Episode 1
  • It's no refined oils, but yes in general the idea is low fat too. Refined oils are just empty calories. A serving of 2 tbsp of this peanut butter would have 3 g fibre, 8 g protein, 2% of my daily calcium and 6% of my daily iron. Peanut oil would have none of that.

    This was the only thing I managed to eat yesterday, so I'm not all that worried about the fat.

    This is the website of one of the more famous proponents of a whole food plant based no oil diet: Like I said in another comment, I'm not a strict adherent but I don't keep refined oil in the house and I try to make choices that align with it when I can muster enough fucks.

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    Oil free vegan struggle meals with Arcane Potato: Episode 1
  • 100% peanuts peanut butter?Like the only ingredient is peanuts?

    I'm kinda high so I don't remember what it's called

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    Oil free vegan struggle meals with Arcane Potato: Episode 1
  • A recipe like this wouldn't normally use oil (maybe a chili oil but not to cook it), but I included that term because I think sometimes people think whole food plant based no oil food is a pile of avocados and fancy lettuce.

    Oil is empty calories. It's extracted from its source but you don't get any of the good stuff in the foods. I'm not a super strict noiler but I don't keep/use cooking oils. I'll buy potato chips on occasion tho.

  • A delectable assortment of vegetables interspersed in the finest rice noodles. The noodles are coated with a heaping spoon of 100% peanuts peanut butter, a giant glug of soy sauce and a sprinkling of my favorite hot paste.

    Not exactly home... Dinner at the campsite: Baked beans, mushrooms, squash and rye flatbread
  • Grilled squash is one of life's great pleasures. Enjoy!

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    TVP Tikka Masala
  • Oh!

    It looks so good. Thank you for sharing as always 💖

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    TVP Tikka Masala
  • Are the 'chunks' the TVP?

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    The Endless Torment of the ‘Recipe?’ Guy
  • Sure, you can choose not to reply, but we're supposed to bea tight knit community of like minded people. It would feel like a slight to ignore a request.

    If I was posting on a blog or something, sure. That's developed to promote your content to a wide audience. That has no value to me, I wouldn't put in the effort and wouldn't subject myself to that relationship with the audience.

    You don't walk into a stranger's home and ask them for step by step instructions how they made dinner because you likes how it looked in the window vs it being normal and polite to inquire about how someone made something they are serving you in their home.

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    I made spaghetti bolognese!
  • I love how the sauce deeply saturated the noodles 🤤

  • Kidney beans and green beans in a tomato maple sauce with edamame on rice. Some BBQ sauce too because why not?

    I grew and canned the green beans and canned the tomato sauce 🌱


    Made the cheeze using this recipe:


    Not sure why I've been sleeping on this banger, but I would encourage all my fellow vegan home cooks to give it a go!

    We grew the sweet potatoes, garlic and tomatoes used in this dish.


    Shout out to Roz, Bulba and Soup in the discord server for enabling my use of tahini in the taters, that shit was 🔥


    Not traditional, but palatable and easy to make and eat 💪


    I had a failed attempt at canning sweet potato, so I had to use some up. I decided to use it as a base for baked beans. I also had some soaked-then-frozen kidney beans to which I added soaked chick peas, home canned tomato sauce, veg bullion, mustard powder and oregano.

    Packed with brocc for lunch today!


    The only oil was in the bullion paste I used. We grew the tomatoes, garlic and cayenne pepper.


    We grew the potatoes, carrots, celery and garlic

    No oil and gluten free
