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111 Republican former officials endorse Harris because of Trump's disloyalty to America and unfitness to serve
  • 'former officials'

    ... it isn't courageous and won't mean anything until CURRENT officials do the same, en masse. They're mostly too scared of losing their cushy positions. Cowards.

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    Georgia election deniers helped pass new laws. Many worry it’ll lead to chaos in November
  • Canada has always used paper, hand-counted ballots. Why anyone would trust their elections to machines which can be sabotaged is beyond me. Perhaps use them to check human-counted results, not the other way 'round.

    Takes too long? Recruit more volunteers. Or, heaven forbid, pay them. Something this important deserves the resources to do it transparently and accurately.

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    Microsoft will try the data-scraping Windows Recall feature again in October | Initial Recall preview was lambasted for obvious privacy and security failures
  • Or, please consider Devuan as well, to ensure there are distros without hard dependencies on systemd, an expansive attempt to cement IBM/RedHat's control over the direction of Linux through foundational changes to the init, filesystem, login, homedir, and other components...

    Please don't bother replying to change my mind... never gonna like systemd no matter what. If it works for you, fine. Some of us still find it wholly unnecessary.

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    What do you guys do about usernames / passwords for your local services?
  • I put on my robe and wizard hat

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    Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse.
  • When our last TV which was 'smart' died, we just bought a big lcd monitor at the pawn shop. We already were only using Kodi on an Android box, so a monitor with external speaker is fine. (Seemed spyware free last time I checked, but beware no-name android media boxes on=from eBay etc., use a tiny or old spare PC instead if you wish).

    One must 'sail the high seas' tovget content, of course...

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    Waymo’s robotaxi depot is still honking its San Francisco neighbors awake
  • Hmm, nothing a little thermite on their hoods wouldn't fix?

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    APL Keyboard Sticker Set
  • Disclaimer: I make these :)

  • Whether you are an old hand at APL, or someone just discovering the language, having the symbols in the standard layout right there on your keyboard is a great help... dedicated APL keyboards are pretty expensive, so consider these stickers that let one adapt any standard desktop or laptop keyboard!

    APL keyboard sticker set on Tindie

    To set up your keyboard for APL programming on Linux, see here.


    If you haven't heard of it, this island has a population that the world has collectively decided to leave alone, mostly because they have proven, on multiple occasions, that they absolutely do not want visitors. Like, arrow-to-death anyone attempting to land or even visit near their shores.

    This probably cannot go on forever... but maybe, it could. Essentially, we are already implementing a 'Prime Directive' of sorts here. Would the 23rd, 24th, ... centuries in Star Trek canon still have this little island on Earth, isolated from not just from Earth's own unified Federation society, but from the greater Federation races? What steps would the Federation and Earth take to maintain their isolation and the ecosystem on which they depend?

    Would make for an interesting episode, or at least a cool side-note reference in one :)

    After nine years in office, is it time for Justin Trudeau to go?
  • Reason #1 (or #2) why I will not vote for him. Never forget, once he was in power he suddenly decided FPTP was just dandy.

    (#2 is his other broken promise, to re-examine CSIS/CSE surveillance overreaches...)


    Welcome to GNU APL

    For Funtoo users, simply sudo emerge dev-lang/apl :)

    US soldier during the Battle of the Bulge shaking hands with a local, Luxembourg, WW2, 1944 or early 1945
  • Good boy

    And the dog too.

    F*ck War, they both should've been warm and dry, at home.

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    doot doot
  • thank mr skeltal

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    Multiple AI companies bypassing web standard to scrape publisher sites, licensing firm says
  • Sounds like we're all going to need to start putting the equivalent of Trap Streets in all our web content, source code, etc.

    I heard someone has already had success placing nonsense in a white-on-white box of their site, later querying commercial AI to prove it was ingested w/o permission.

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    McGill squirrel of the day
  • Is there an rss or atom feed for the squirrel of the day?

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    Paper jam in printing press tray 3
  • Thine instruction be murky, alas my Jerry sticketh inside the mechanism

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    Oracle Java police start knocking on Fortune 200's doors for first time
  • No, I know that -- I honestly want them both to die :p

    Both have been a blight on software development for decades.

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    Mistress of the Apes (1979)
  • No movie link? :( :)

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    Oracle Java police start knocking on Fortune 200's doors for first time
  • Can Oracle kill javascript as well, please? Please?

  • Normally I avoid linking to the old sh$thole here ('cuz you know, f*ck u/Spez), but this is an exception.


    DFV posted DIRECTLY to 'stonk:

    Discussion over on the 'stonk sub:

    Twitter post tonight:


    GNU APL is easy to build on your own Linux machine, though the steps aren't detailed on the website.

    --- Benefits of building yourself locally:

    • One can customize how many cores GNU APL has access to
    • Customizing optional extensions like PNG image, SQLite, GTK support etc.
    • Having the latest bugfixes ---
    1. Obtain the latest source

      • mkdir apl-build
      • svn checkout
    2. Configure using autotools

      • cd trunk
      • make clean
      • ./configure CORE_COUNT_WANTED=3 RATIONAL_NUMBERS_WANTED=yes --with-ctrld_del

      Use ./configure --help to see other options, adjust to taste

    3. Build and install

      • make -j && sudo make install
    4. Set up your default workspace

      • cd ~
      • mkdir -p GNUAPL/workspaces ---

    --- 🟩 70 minutes in: $21.40 / 19,86 € (volume: 168513)

    🟩 65 minutes in: $21.18 / 19,65 € (volume: 160236)

    🟩 60 minutes in: $21.07 / 19,55 € (volume: 157020)

    🟩 55 minutes in: $21.02 / 19,51 € (volume: 149683)

    🟩 50 minutes in: $20.98 / 19,46 € (volume: 140442)

    🟩 45 minutes in: $20.95 / 19,43 € (volume: 133779)

    🟥 40 minutes in: $20.77 / 19,27 € (volume: 127291)

    🟩 35 minutes in: $20.80 / 19,30 € (volume: 123795)

    🟥 30 minutes in: $20.77 / 19,27 € (volume: 116641)

    🟥 25 minutes in: $20.78 / 19,28 € (volume: 108008)

    🟩 20 minutes in: $20.80 / 19,30 € (volume: 101356)

    🟩 15 minutes in: $20.49 / 19,01 € (volume: 90143)

    🟩 10 minutes in: $20.43 / 18,95 € (volume: 75814)

    🟩 5 minutes in: $20.31 / 18,85 € (volume: 57289)

    🟩 0 minutes in: $19.56 / 18,15 € (volume: 43187)

    🟥 US close price: $17.46 / 16,20 € ($17.39 / 16,13 € after-hours)

    US market volume: 36.83 million shares ---


    Best book for learning the ins and outs of MIDI I've ever encountered. Relatively obscure, but an invaluable reference book for anyone wanting to dig into the details of how MIDI works.

    0 Activist investor Cevian invests in Swiss bank UBS

    Activist investor Cevian has acquired a 1.3% stake in the Swiss bank UBS.


    Starting FORTH, 1st Edition Starting FORTH

    Starting FORTH has been the classic Forth tutorial and textbook since its first release. Many experienced programmers have commented on its concise


    Nothing we apes don't already know (at least those of us who've been here for 84 years or so), but an interesting take from the MSM on it.

    The system is rigged, this is one of the reasons why I Buy, HODL, DRS!


    A wire broke off the ignitor element in our Harman unit. I have ordered a replacement and it looks simple enough to fix myself. But before sourcing the part I had called about 5 different fireplace companies in the area, and it seems everyone has dropped all support for pellet stoves in recent years! Not only does no one sell them any more (other than Canadian Tire), but they all outright refused to even consider sending a repairperson to help.

    It's a bit infuriating. I am calling them, literally saying "please come take my money at your standard hourly rate". One would think "struggling businesses" would be more willing to take on what should be profitable work.

    Is it such a liability issue for them that they're actually afraid to take on the work?

    What if something bigger fails someday on my pellet stove? Why is no one on the island now willing to work on one?

    If you know of someone who does still service wood pellet stoves on the island (Courtenay/Comox), please reply here or DM me. Thanks.

    EDIT: formatting

    0 OSC adopts permanent exemptions for federal financial institutions

    TORONTO – The OSC announced today the adoption of OSC Rule 52-503 Exemption from Disclosure of a Specified Financial Measure.

    What does this mean? New levels of ass-covering for bank malfeasance, or just the regular sort of opacity?

    Also see the original 'interim' declaration:


    Thanks to re⊃⊃it user JackTheTranscoder for links.

    0 Excellent quick summary of the last couple of years - DRSGME/WhyDRS Lemmy

    Richard Newton produces good GME-related content and this is one of his better videos!

    Good video by Richard Newton updating the whole GME story from the start up to today.


    This occurred today when I tried updating/deleting old comments via the Redact tool, on the old super-stonk sub.

    Guess they're afraid of losing their captive Apes!

    https:// /post/1088933

    See linked posting. I've commented there with a link to a CLI tool in Python that allows downloading of IA collections. I've submitted a patch to enable specifying start and end points so that it's easier to resume downloading a huge collection, or to allow multiple people to split up the work.

    F*ck the RIAA and absurdly long copyright.

    --- EDIT: There is more than one collection of 78s on IA, so I updated the title.

    --- The issue with these collections are that they're absolutely HUGE. And yes, IA offers torrents for them, but as a separate torrent for every. single. album. And the torrents have all data in them -- FLAC, fixed-rate MP3, VBR MP3, PDF liner notes, etc. etc... there may be some extremely hardcore data-hoarders out there who want everything, but IMHO as these are scratchy old 78 records, FLAC is overkill to just save the audio in a listenable format. The George Blood collection, just the VBR MP3s, is looking to be about 6TB. With ALL data it might be over 40TB! I can't afford that many hard drives :)

    --- So, my approach at the moment is to save just the VBR MP3s (they seem to be done at up to 320kbps VBR) and the JPEG album cover. If I have a chance and any storage left afterwards, I can make a separate pass to get the album liner PDFs...

    --- Tool used:

    --- Patch to allow setting start and end item indices for downloads:

    --- Example usage to grab just the VBR MP3 and record label JPG for each (note the --start-idx and --end-idx arguments):

    #ia download --start-idx=4001 --end-idx=8000 -a -i --format="VBR MP3" --format="JPEG" --search collection:georgeblood

    I'm going to concentrate on the George Blood collection for now.. I'm starting at item 1. It would be great if others started at index 50,000, 100,000, 150,000, ... and others started at the end and worked backwards in similarly-sized chunks, so that it's assured someone gets each of them.


    OK, I'll start: what FORTHs do people like to use nowadays?

    Found this community, saw no posts. Why not start off by letting us know what FORTH you use in the modern day?

    I know there's GNU FORTH, and variants like 8th, which I downloaded ages ago but haven't really used. I like the idea of FORTH but haven't had the itch to write anything in it (I need to get over my current fascination with APL first, I guess, so I can try out FORTH again someday 😀 )
