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Advice on best way to replace personal Atlassian Jira subscription
  • I host my own gitlab-ce instance in docker which works well. I mainly needed a web UI for git and I track issues with it. I think there are boards or at least free plugins for the community version, but I do not use them. You can version your documentation in .md files too. Not sure if it can substitute Jira for you, but you mentioned Bugzilla and I like gitlab a lot more.

    Just make sure to update the container regularly, you can't make big version jumps without the intermediate updates.

    I think you can combine it with OpenProject if you need more project planning.

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  • Hättest Du Stress am Arbeitsplatz hättest Du keine Zeit für einen Workshop. Früher, da hatten wir noch richtigen Stress. Und heute? Was wird verlangt? Zwei Seiten auf einmal umzublättern? 😉

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    How British tech star Stability AI imploded with debt and lawsuits
  • “He kind of comes off as the smartest person in the room,” said a former colleague.

    Under a picture with just one person it's kinda funny. Also what's with that dirty floor? Same as with his shoes in the other picture. Gross. That's lavish?

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    A Cool guide to Cistercian Numerals
  • Look Ma, I've written 4 symbols on top of each other and count it as one symbol. Now I have 9999 different symbols. I'm officially smart now.


    So here's a story of, by far, the weirdest bug I've encountered in my CS career.
  • Usually a sign of multiprocessing/multithreading going wrong, e.g. accessing the same resource without proper locks like opening the same logfile in different processes and trying to write simultaneously. Those errors can be triggered just by reformating the code (or obfuscating in this case), thus changing the runtime behaviour slightly. Hard to find, especially since they're dependent on the speed/workload of the machine running the code.

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  • I like how you and the person you were answering to think. It opened a new perspective for me and showed me my bias. Thank you. Please continue to understand things that well and let others know about it. 😀

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    Google-Analytics-Chef: "Mit generativer KI kommen wir endlich an alle Daten" | heise
  • Hier gibts einen Artikel zum personalisierten Spam:

    For instance, in the near future, an autonomous agent could allow a marketing executive to carve out and automate whole segments of work. Based on a company’s past marketing campaigns, the agent could determine what worked and what didn’t, making its own decisions for future email design, scheduling, graphics, and subject lines. It could also identify the types of consumers a campaign should target and then assess whether the results—opens, views, clicks, and responses—are worth reporting back to management. If the results fail to meet the campaign’s objective, the agent could independently start again, creating a new, more refined list of target customers based on responses to the previous campaign.

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    Google-Analytics-Chef: "Mit generativer KI kommen wir endlich an alle Daten" | heise
  • Ich habe den Eindruck der Typ weiß nicht was generative KI bedeutet. Dampfplauderer im Bullshitbingo. "Data Analytics..wird von intelligenten Agenten benutzt" "Generative KI..gibt Zugriff auf Daten"

    Das ganze Interview ist einfach Werbung a la "wir sind die geilsten" und "gebt uns alle Eure Daten". Der Interviewer fragt ja auch nicht nach was der Quatsch bedeuten soll.

    Nix davon ist "intelligent". Es geht immer darum die statistisch häufigsten Merkmale oder wahrscheinlichsten Fortsetzungen zu finden.

    An anderer Stelle im Interview behauptet er auf Kundendaten würde nicht trainiert, da diese durch " eine strenge Firewall" geschützt seien. Das ergibt ebensowenig Sinn. Daten sind kein Service (den man durch eine Firewall schützt).

    Er benutzt anscheinend Wörter die er im Kontext gehört hat, deren tatsächliche Bedeutung er aber nicht kennt.

  • I always wanted to play D&D and/or a crpg and now I see the hype about BG3, but when I watch streams and let's plays I don't understand most of the jargon.

    1. So how beginner friendly is it?
    2. Are there good tutorials?
    3. Are there difficulty levels, like less mechanics for beginners? I found the UI a bit overwhelming.
    4. How frustrating is it if you don't understand the mechanics at first?
    5. How long does it take to learn the rules? How complex are they? Do I need to remember stuff like: oh I can only cast this if the day of the month is a prime and the mother of the target was born under the sign of zock or can I just happily nuke everything with fireballs?
    6. I have only time to play on weekends. Is it easy to get back into the game or do I need to remember most of the past story to enjoy it? So is it casual player friendly?



    I think this video needs far more views.
