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Think of Hong Kong when you vote, Taiwan president says
  • Believe it or not, a lot of younger Taiwanese people want to rejoin the mainland. Not exactly a majority yet, but it's getting pretty close.

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    Every dang day
  • This is confusing. Liberalism isn't leftwing, it's right-of-center at best. Most often it's right-wing economic policies with socially left-wing ineffectual lip service. Especially with how far right the Democrats have trended since the 80s and their adoption of a corporate focused form of third-wayism. There are only a handful of representatives who could even be considered slightly left-of-center progressives.

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    Ukrainian children as young as 4 months old are being forcibly taken to Russia. Officials don't know what is happening to them.
  • It seems to be a part of the US propaganda machine. Lots of news like this is pushed by the state department during times of conflict and war. Like, during the cuban revolution the US literally abducted 30,000 cuban children and then accused cuba of killing infants. In the Iraq war they constantly pushed out stories that the iraq army were going into hospitals and ripping newborns out of incubators and smashing them of the floor. It's all to rile up the US in support of the proxy war.

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    Early Access: Become a tester for Boost for Lemmy and share your feedback 🚀
  • Is there an option for the comments where I can just long-press to select and copy text instead of needing to go into a copy menu and then using the select text option? That can be bit tedious, and I typically copy most longer comments and send them to my voice-aloud app for TTS. It's definitely the main feature I miss about the old RIF app - easy text selection and perfect Bluetooth keyboard/mouse support.

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  • Just start with the topic you want to talk about. I would never message someone with small talk nonsense like "what's up" or "how's it going", etc, etc.

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    Threats, insults, and Kremlin 'robots': How Russian diplomacy died under Putin
  • The young scions of our age find themselves in a curious juxtaposition to their forbearers, who once trembled at the thought of world-ending calamities unleashed by the fiery engines of the Autarch's weaponry. These newer souls scoff at such fears, deeming them hollow echoes of a past era, perhaps because they have been raised in the shadow of subtler, yet equally inexorable, dooms. To them, the threat of slow ruin wrought by the invisible maladies that pollute our waters and air, or the gradual inferno that the Sun's ever-increasing wrath promises to our world, hold more tangible dread. For these youths, the prospect of instantaneous annihilation in a blaze of cosmic fire seems almost a reprieve, a quick severance of life's Gordian knot, sparing them the prolonged suffering promised by the ills that plague our slowly deteriorating Urth.

  • Jump plans for mitigating image upload abuse
  • I prefer a more text based main post experience so this is gonna be good for me. Reddit used to be a fantastic discussion forum until every single post on /all was either an image post or video post. I wish there was a way to completely disable media posts so I could just view discussion posts.
