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Ukrainian drones now spray 4,000° F thermite streams right into Russian trenches
  • In response to your edit... Do you truly consider the use of thermite as a weapon valid and okay? Like, literally melting people to death? You think that just because it isn't technically a war crime that it's a-okay to fucking BURN PEOPLE ALIVE? Despicable. Absolutely despicable. Your morals make me sick.

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    Ukrainian drones now spray 4,000° F thermite streams right into Russian trenches
  • So the people who didn't "start the war" are welcome to utilize war crimes against their aggressors? Even if these soldiers are forced to be the aggressors due to their government? It's almost like we take out our anger on the little people who are the tools instead of the government sending them. Maybe we should consider not embracing war crimes?

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    Ukrainian drones now spray 4,000° F thermite streams right into Russian trenches
  • This is disgusting. Russia is the aggressor and Ukraine has every right to defend itself and fight back against Russia, but could we maybe remember the soldiers are still living, breathing, feeling humans with lives as complex and deep as our own? Maybe try not using horrible weapons like this against one another? I understand Russia has committed countless atrocities in Ukraine but this is absolutely evil. War is well and truly hell.

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    Why is my Twitter feed full of right-wing content when I don't consume political content?
  • Because it's fucking Twitter, are you serious? That place is a haven for right-wing asshats, of course it's going to be overflowing with their shitty content.

    Stop fucking using that website.

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    AOC files articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito
  • I'm voting for Biden. Not happily, not even simply neutral on the matter. I hate that I have to vote for Biden.

    If AOC ran, I would not be even a little reluctant to vote for her. She reminds me of Bernie.

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    Anon remembers Halloween 1995
  • As a kid when I saw the movie Holes, I was so tempted to start eating onions like apples, like they do in that scene at the oasis. I also went home after the movie and dug a big hole in the backyard because I was a fucking weird ass. Still am. Never ate an onion like that, but damn they made em look tasty.

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    Time Terror
  • I dunno, the way I typed it is how the robots in Fallout 76 pronounce it haha. I could very well be wrong.

  • I've done three so far, didn't have power yesterday, and haven't received anything cool yet. Got an Alien mask which does look good with my nuka-girl spacesuit but that's about it. Really dying for any form of Deathclaw mask. How's everyone else doing so far? What mask are you most wanting? Are you hoping for the elusive butter churner?


    Just curious. The 76 Lemmy community is kinda entirely fucking dead and I'm banned from Reddit so I can't post there. Is there a better place to discuss and chat about 76? I'm feeling lost and somewhat lonely without being able to chat on the subreddit.


    I was permanently banned from Reddit for being too silly so I will now be a depressed piece of living garbage here from now on 🥰
