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We humans have no natural predator you might say but that is not true: there is one.

It kills millions of humans every year; about one every 30 seconds.

It's a major contributor to a global conspiracy to destroy as much of the environment that humans require to survive as possible; to kill even more humans at an accelerating pace and make the survivors miserable.

Even without its co-conspirators it's capable of turning entire bustling cities into places unfit for humans. Humans now plan their cities specifically with this predator in mind; building some defences but with ultimately little success at curbing its free roam.

Worst yet: It has successfully fooled humans into thinking they are dependent on it when in fact the opposite is the case.

It's a predator that we have created ourselves:

The car.

\#urbanity #urbanism #Verkehrswende #AutoDiktatur #Autokorrektur #climatechange #klimakrise #fuckcars @fuckcars

My PR adding FOSS fused location support to #organicmaps was merged
  • @Sunshine

    The google play version is unchanged.

    It already had the toggle too and, contrary to the current iteration of the F-droid version, it is enabled by default there.

  • My PR adding FOSS fused location support to #organicmaps was merged

    It uses the #microG play-services-location library which is a #FOSS re-implementation of the proprietary Google surveillance services client library that works with both Google #GMS and µG. \#android

    My red heart emoji (❤️) looks weird in #Firefox
  • @thingsiplay

    Indeed it does not.

    Time to bisect my prefs.js huh...

  • Jump
    My red heart emoji (❤️) looks weird in #Firefox
  • @ReversalHatchery

    No and that has nothing to do with it. My local font should not produce this icon.

    In fact, when I paste the emoji into UI elements in Firefox, it's the correct one.

  • My red heart emoji (❤️) looks weird in #Firefox

    This has been the case for quite a while now and I cannot for the life of my figure out why that is. I never explicitly made it this way. It's only in Firefox and a machine with pretty much the exact same #NixOS config does not exhibit this issue.

    I tried clearing unused fonts out of \~/.local/share/fonts/ (no emoji fonts remain) and updated the fc-cache but it didn't help. (Obviously I restarted Firefox.)

    Any ideas?

    @firefox #Linux #freedesktop


    This is how a #brompton EZ clamp spring looks like after a decent few months of usage.

    As you can see, it's quite compressed now and, as a result, not springy enough to hold the clamp up properly anymore.

    That lifespan is not bad by any means (easy enough to re-print) but does that happen to y'all too or is it just me?

    It's also just the handlebar one; the other is holding up fine.

    I remember seeing a variant of this which had an actual metal spring inside; I might look into that.


    Meine kostenlosen 125MB Datenvolumen im Familienvertrag sind wohl doch nicht kostenlos; ich brauche einen neuen Mobilfunkvertrag.
  • @AlexS

    Nach meiner Rechnung sind das:

    30€/6Mo = 60€/12Mo = 5€/1Mo

    16GB/12Mo = 1.33GB/1Mo

    +1/3 Daten bei 2.5x der Kosten.

    Wenn die 8GB verbraucht sind, gibts laut Seite übrigens SpeedOn Pässe für 3-5€/GB.

  • After a bit of confusion, I found out why my #Firefox was being laggy on some website despite me turning off Javascript.

    Turns out I had set layers.acceleration.disabled while debugging V-Sync.

    What this setting does is effectively disable hardware acceleration for a core component of page compositing; making everything laggy.

    Mess with settings in a dedicated guinea profile people!


    Meine kostenlosen 125MB Datenvolumen im Familienvertrag sind wohl doch nicht kostenlos; ich brauche einen neuen Mobilfunkvertrag.
  • @Senseless

    Hatte ich mir auch schon angeschaut, aber wie erwähnt ist mir das Preislich eine Größenordnung zu hoch; ich suche was in Richtung 1€/Monat.

  • Meine kostenlosen 125MB Datenvolumen im Familienvertrag sind wohl doch nicht kostenlos; ich brauche einen neuen Mobilfunkvertrag.

    Schlappe 20€/GB/Mo, wtf?!

    125MB ist wenig, aber für meine Zwecke fast ausreichend. 1GB wär denk ich mein sweet spot; ggf. 2GB. Telefonie mach ich seltenst, SMS brauch ich nur für 2FA codes.

    Der beste, den ich bisher gefunden habe, ist Congstars "Prepaid wie ich will" bei 2€/GB/Mo.

    Telekom Netz bevorzugt; zur not auch Vodafone. Kein Telefonica.

    cc @de\_edv Hivemind

    Discourse ActivityPub Plugin was recently merged, connecting forums and mastodon
  • @poVoq @maegul

    As a little proof, here I am replying to you from Mastodon ;)

  • Printed myself an EZ clamp spring for my #brompton at @cccda yesterday; a must-have for any [@brompton](https://discuss.tchncs.

    Printed myself an EZ clamp spring for my #brompton at @cccda yesterday; a must-have for any @brompton rider!

    It's \so\ handy to have a local #hackspace with amazing people to help you out for this sort of stuff. Much love \<3
