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I am looking to build a Linux gaming machine with open source firmware and Intel ME disabled. Is this viable?

Cant boot from usb on a system 76 with custom firmware.
  • The system 76 open firmware I probably shouldn't have said custom lol I do the one time boot from USB option in the startup menu. I messaged them and they said it could be because the distro uses an older legacy base.

  • I'm just not sure what I am doing wrong here. It boots on every single other computer in the house (3 different ones) but when I try to do a single boot on my system 76 laptop it just won't do it. What am I doing wrong?? It has custom firmware on it


    I know charges it as a cash advance and so does Kraken. Are their any options that don't? I called the CC company and they said its up to the exchange how they "label the charge"

    AI-powered weapons scanners used in NYC subway found zero guns in one month test
  • To be fair, I don't think a state is supposed to make laws that take away constitutional rights though. It'd be like a state making a law taking away your freedom of speech, I don't think that's supposed to be allowed with state rights and all

  • I know I see the little button that does it automatically but I don't want to use that I want to know how to do it correctly. -Problem is, every guide says to use the .asc file. I don't have that, tails gave me a .IMG file, a .SIG file, and then I downloaded a tails-signing.key file. How do I manually verify this file with just those files?

    Since DAI is currently being destroyed
  • Great idea! Any idea on how I would avoid getting brutally raped by the taxman by doing that? See, with DAI I could just convert it over and boom. That was it. My rent and car payment are locked in now for how ever many months worth I need it to be stabilized for. But with what you're suggesting why would I even use crypto at all just screw all the privacy and tax freeness of it all and convert it straight to cash with a CEX every time you want to stable up! That's terrible advice. I agree that Monero is so important but you're out of touch and mistaken if you think it can survive on its own. Haveno and Serai will be the only options left to get it soon other than mining or face to face p2p trading which isn't feasible for everyone. If we don't do something now that can introduce and immutable form of stability then we may end up losing the fight eventually.

  • Does anyone know an unfreezable stablecoin that is the least at risk of becomming another TerraLuna? I love Monero but its too volatile to keep 100% of my life savings in an unfreezable stablecoin is CRUCIAL. This is such horrible news. Fuck Rune Christiansen for this shit!!
