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Big Penny!
  • Its even worse during Allston Xmas, the city in its infinite wisdom decided that most leases end on the same day. All the schools also have the new semester start right around the same time, and all the new students arrive within that few day window.

    Lets paint this picture, the city is in panic mode as the student population makes up ~25% of the population of Boston, and they are all returning for the new semester. They likely have just moved as their old lease is up and their new one starts on the same day. They will take all of their worldly possessions and put them into the back of their friends sedan and drive to their new place, anything that wont fit is left on the curb. The previous tenant of the new place did the exact same thing. They put all the things they care for into their new place and decide which furniture from the previous tenant is good enough and put it back inside. Anything left on the curb by ~4 PM is fair game, and will be disposed of by the city next time the collect trash

    The freshmen, whos parents are sending their spawn to MIT or BU have a u-haul (that they dont know the height of) carrying all their worldly possions, dispite their tiny dorm not having the room for it (and being told this repeatedly by the school). All it takes is one of these muppets to not pay attention and one of the major arteries into the city is blocked. Traffic will back up for miles, non-masshole drivers operating things that should require a CDL are trying to take short-cuts navigating the narrow boston city roads in small box trucks and every residential street will be a mass of double parked cars as the city collectivly shuffles the entire student population in a day.

    Chaos is an understatement (its a lot of fun to watch).

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    Burning Up
  • 0 Degrees Farenhight = very cold, 100 Defrees Farenhight = very hot

    0 Degrees Celcius = very cold, 100 Degrees Celcius = dead

    0 Degrees Kelvin = dead, 100 Degrees Kelvin = also dead...

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    Any ideas?
  • I had a coworker who was a sneaker head (traded in limited edition shoes). They called people who bought bad deals or was generally inexpirenced "Timmys" because the persons orders looked like a kid with their parents credit card.

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    Steve Bannon asks for immediate release from prison
  • Made me think of that one scene from Idiocracy.

    Not Sure: "Im supposed to be getting out of prision..."

    Guard: "Your in the wrong line stupid."

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    What is your motto?
  • Exactly, I told my sibilings that when they went off to college.

    You can always call me, I will drive to the ends of the earth to pick you up, I wont tell the folks if you dont want me to. You do, however, have to be able to tell the person scraping your sorry ass off the pavement exactly what you broke. (And dont do anything where you wouldent be able to tell them either)

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    What is your motto?
  • Dont break the weekend rules

    • Do NOT add to the population
    • Do NOT subtract from the population
    • Do not ever do anything that will have you end up in the newspaper, hospital or jail.
      • If you do end up in jail, establish dominance quickly.

    Also dont do anything you would be afraid to explain to the paramedics.

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    Pick your seat, Lemmy
  • We flying business or economy? If its a nice seat, 3. If were flying economy then I pick 5, that way im near the restrooms. Its time to get tex-mex at the airport.

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    What's your favourite smartphone manufacturer and/or favourite smartphone?
  • If the camera is that important, then look for a phone where the camera is the primary feature. Samsung has some nice ones these days, Fairphones offerings are generally average across the industry, many claim they are over priced, but that is due to their picky component/vendor selection (See their attempts at ethicaly sourced parts).

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    What's your favourite smartphone manufacturer and/or favourite smartphone?
  • I ordered a Fairphone 4 and had it shipped over to the US before they officially supported US carriers and got their reseller state side to fix some minor issues.

    And its also cute I get to play the "Organic" card for a piece a tech. The device itself is good enough and with the repairability focus I can take my battery out as a party trick. (I have seriously done this, it works best for Iphone people)

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    What is your favourite overclock?
  • I only play scout, and my primary build has always been special powder and supercooling. (Max bag space, vampire, thorns, jet boots, and the medic perks)

    This is the way.
