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'Trump did this’: Supreme Court blocks Biden emergency abortion mandate in Texas
  • Sure, Dems absolutely should have codified it. However, a federal law protecting abortion rights as health care against the religious freedom of a regional Catholic hospital's beliefs not to save a mother's life with an abortion would be the test case and I'm pretty sure I know how 5 of the Justices would vote. This SCOTUS know they have unchecked power and are no longer afraid to wield it.

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    'Trump did this’: Supreme Court blocks Biden emergency abortion mandate in Texas
  • As if these zealots wouldn't have ruled it unconstitutional or slowly weakend it with a series of cases anyway. See recent decisions gutting Voting Rights Act, weakening the Clean Water Act, Campaign Reform Act of 2002, Dodd-Frank and other federal laws.

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    US Supreme Court lifts ban on gun bump stocks
  • They literally ruled in one case this term with a fake situation that never happened ( 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis) and then lied about the background facts in another (Kennedy v Bremerton), both in favor of "injured" Christians.

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    Drinks and snacks of choice while playing?
  • One of the perks of being older is we smoke or bbq to have a meal prior to the session. We've had brisket, chili, smash burgers, tri tip, brats, etc.

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    Tesla (TSLA) releases Q1 2024 deliveries: disastrous results
  • Ugh, that sucks. Who knows how far your Prius could have gone otherwise.

    I was looking at a 3 when it was first announced, but I'm driving my Prius till it dies. Sucks Toyota supported the election deniers.

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    Tesla (TSLA) releases Q1 2024 deliveries: disastrous results
  • I live in the LA area and saw 3 of those stupid cyber trucks last week. I see a lot of 3s, the occasional X and S too. But the 3 and Y are everywhere, almost all are in white only. They're almost as ubiquitous as the Civic and Carolla were in the 90s and early 00s.

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    Costco is testing out a new system for entering stores
  • Both my local SoCal Costco's have outdoor food courts. You have to scan your card at them. One has a table with self serve kiosks for ordering too, then you queue up to get your food handed to you.
