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Taking the child out of child soldier
  • The last Batman movie I saw was probably in the Dark Knight series and I'm pretty sure there was no Robin. When was Robin last in a big movie? Has he come back since then?

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    Taking the child out of child soldier
  • Wow, I've probably seen it a million times but never noticed, but "don'ts" just looks so wrong. "Dont's"? "Don't's"? "Donts"? AAAAAAAHHHHH

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    Confused about multiplying floating-point & integer values
  • I've been hiring programmers recently. A year or two experience wins out over a degree almost any time. I don't know if there are any developers (or even website administrators) at you current job, but if there are I'd see you if you can start by helping them out, maybe helping out when they're on leave or picking up little jobs and then you'll get your foot in the door in no time at all.

    Actually the last dev I hired had no experience at all, I just really liked him, and he's turned out brilliantly.

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    Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid.
  • But generally they would be parked, right? At the office, or transport hubs? Maybe that's where the batteries need to be installed. Take the responsibility off private citizens and install it where there's going to be a mass of cars parked.

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    What's a phrase you hear a lot, but disagree with?
  • I'd only ever say it while referring to myself, and when I do it's not of a consolation to myself or maybe as a way to tell the other person to not feel sorry about distracting me and making me forget. Is that the same way you interpret it?

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    Iran warns that Hezbollah will likely hit non-military targets in Israeli territory in response to Israel's strike on Beirut
  • It's honestly my belief that Israel is doing half this shit to inflame the situation in an attempt to force the US into the conflict, because they know that only with America's military help will they be able to achieve their end goals

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    Hexcodle #342
  • Woah, what an awesome game. Took a couple of games to get the hang of, but then after going back a few days I got:

    I got Hexcodle #339 in 3! Score: 84%

    🔼🔼✅⏬🔼⏫ 🔽✅✅🔽🔼🔼 ✅✅✅✅✅✅

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    What bizarre misconceptions do people have about your field?
  • When I lost my credit card overseas I was issued an emergency replacement by MasterCard and it only had MasterCard branding. I guess sometimes they issue cards (unless they got a bank to print it without their branding).

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm going to throw this idea into the mix. It's how I'd handle the situation and it's generally worked pretty well for me. Ideally you'd send a message like this when your friend is online and playing but it really doesn't matter when you send it.

    "Hey mate, just noticed you and x and y are online. Mind if I jump in for a bit? Be great to have a game or two"

    Nice and relaxed, no pressure, no coming off as needy. There's the possibility he'll say it's not the right time or they're working on something together - that's fine too, at least you know why. If you join in just play a game or two unless you really feel your gelling with them. Whether you stick around or drop out follow it up with.

    "Good game guys, thanks for letting me drop in."

    The next time they're online it'll be easier for them to include you or you to ask to be in again.

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    DNA Tests Are Uncovering the True Prevalence of Incest
  • I'll upvote you if you provided a source rather than just insisting something is true because you say so.

    Edit: actually, I won't upvote you. Incest isn't the norm anywhere you fuckwit.

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    Stacks for Simple Static Sites
  • Just last week I decided to try a different tech than I'm used to to run up a site. I did a little research then searched GitHub and found Hugo. I read the Hugo docs, followed their beginners guide and... Didn't get fucking anywhere. Their docs are out of date, the examples are out of date. It looked so promising but my brain works best when referencing examples and when I couldn't even get those to work, well, I don't have time for that these days.

    If anyone knows another static site generator with up to date documentation and an easy to run up example please let me know.

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    Stop being elitist, spread Linux!
  • Auto Hot Key, that's something I haven't heard of in a while. Probably because it's not as essential in a Linux environment when you can more easily accomplish most of what you'd accomplish using AHK in a shell script. What problem are you trying to solve using AHK? Someone might be able to tell you how to solve it.

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    Why would one crave pleasure, food and entertainment when they should be productive and how does one go about stopping it?
  • I got some counselling, then on the anti depressants, they were the first step - let me see why I should do something different, but then I got onto the ADHD meds and they let me focus. It took a while, had to work out what worked for me but once I got it it was the answer I needed. They're not the solution for everyone, but if you haven't tried at least talk to someone about it.

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  • A couple of edits (not trying to be rude but people sent to your article are going to be pedantic)

    *current beliefs

    This sentence needs editing: "They even split the category into two and the make a distinction between implicit multiplication with variables other implicit multiplications."

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    When Reddit was first becoming popular, were it's communities and content basically just clones of other websites like Digg?
  • Pretty much, but I think originally it didn't even have subreddits. What set it apart from digg was really the community and comments - the quality of which were much better than digg. Similarly to Lemmy it was originally much more tech related too.

  • Nethack - the ultimate low end system capable game

    Nethack is now 36 years old, still in development, runs on windows, Linux, Apple and a multitude of other systems. You can run it in a console, remotely, if you don't have the ability to install or download to your computer. It's complex, difficult, entertaining and will soak up any free time you have.

    I've played it on and off for a decade now and never made it past half way and have always learnt something new.

    Play in browser: Telnet: port 23 SSH: Download:

    Have you got the Amulet of Yendor? Any stupid deaths? Surprising finds?
