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Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure
  • That's cool as hell to hear. The cynic in me is a bit ignorant of Swiss law and corporate behavior therein but is sure that at some point some douchebag will figure out a way to weasel out of it or push it in the direction of enshittification all over again, but it's cool to see them make this move none the less.

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    Microsoft Gaming CEO: “I think we should have a handheld, too”
  • On top of this, I doubt many of the Steam Deck's current competitors could have sold at a loss like Valve did (IIRC, they sold at a loss or at least pretty close to it). Microsoft, however, definitely has the spare money as a larger corp if they decided to really back the XBox/Gaming division. Price-wise, they could compete. If they're in the same pricing ballpark, manage a reasonable quality handheld, and can promise perfect windows compatibility with games, that might be something.

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    What is your favorite Open Source Game on Steam Deck?
  • Dude, I just started getting into BAR and, while a complete noob with a strong nostalgia for TA, I can't even begin to imagine playing it on the Steam Deck. Not that I'm naysaying here, I'm just more in a kind of "I want to believe" state since it's pretty much becoming one of my all time favorites.

    All that said, brilliant write up! Share some of your control details for BAR too if you have a chance!

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    Building my Homelab!
  • I use it, mostly because I wanted to build an analogue to Google Drive/Photos, though it took some work to get it to a point where it felt good. Since the default Photos app feels pretty garbage to me, I installed the Memories app (same thing but better, very like Google photos) as well as Preview Generator & Recognize.

    These seem to do the trick. The automated tagging isn't without its issues (pretty janky, frankly), but I'm pretty content with it to the point where I'm not looking to change in a hurry. Haven't tried Immich, though it looks pretty enough like I'd probably just go with it since it does the one task it's supposed to do, but again, I'm comfy and don't feel the need to find a new home for my photos yet.

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    Why stand in line to board an airplane?
  • Big issue for musicians. Many of us have instruments that are just small enough to be carry-ons but just large enough to be a bit unwieldy compared to other carry-ons, so nabbing primo carry-on storage is a must.

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    To those with 2+ monitors on your machine: What's your use case, and how much does it actually boost your productivity?
  • Loads of data sciency stuff - one monitor for normal text editing/terminal work, another for accessing remote environments, and a third for a combo of work comms and music.

    When not sciencing, I won't lie, there's a lot of Path of Exile with PoB on one screen and a podcast on the third.

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    I saw a recent post that 60% of playtime in 2023 was spent on games 6 years or older. What 6+ year old games are you playing?
  • It's some backlog for me, but also some just solid as hell live services that have been around a while:

    • Path of Exile
    • The Messenger
    • Warframe
    • Yakuza 0
    • Sea of Thieves
    • Into the Breach

    SoT and The Messenger both turned 6 just this year, so they're squeaking by, but I suppose the thrust of the idea is still there

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    Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent
  • Highly recommend at least trying to poison your data before deactivating/deleting; they have some legalese that gives them a workaround to keep things to an extent

    Note: When you close your account, you will no longer have full access to salaries, reviews, or interviews. Any content you have shared will be removed from the display on the site, but we reserve the right to keep any information in a closed account in our archives that we deem necessary to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. For more information, review our Privacy & Cookie Policy.

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    Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent
  • Yeah, the deactivation link takes you to "delete" it, but they do have some legalese that suggests they could keep it to "enforce their agreements" among other things

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    Warwick Castle
  • Wow, absolutely gorgeous. According to my father and his cabal of genealogy enthusiasts, allegedly this place used to be a holding of some distant ancestors of mine. I always used to get a kick out of looking at the family tree, where one guy would have a title, something like "Lord of Warwick Castle" (I can't remember it exactly), then only to look a generation later and see a note by the next guy, saying "Re-Took Warwick Castle."

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    Superb survival city-builder Against the Storm is finally finished and released
  • Superb is right! Absolutely a delight, it's become something I keep returning to on a regular basis. Each time, just enough balance between "chilled out," familiarity, and freshness of relevant judgment/choice-making. Definitely helps that the UI is absolutely on point throughout and the music is a delight.

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    Superb survival city-builder Against the Storm is finally finished and released
  • My main suggestion is to set your recipe limits - if you just keep making everything beyond reasonable levels, you run out of materials nonsensically, i.e. "No, I REALLY don't need 200 brick, thanks, I'd rather have some pottery, just a LITTLE BIT, PLEASE"

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    Superb survival city-builder Against the Storm is finally finished and released
  • Yeah, I guess I'm gonna dogpile here a bit, but can confirm it's pretty solid on the deck. I thought I'd hate track-padding, but it's actually pretty pleasant. Just had to remap a couple things, like wood-cutting & a couple back paddle buttons and it plays surprisingly smoothly. I've played on both PC & deck and oddly I'm starting to get to like playing on the deck a little bit better actually.

    Give it a try!

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    Choose wisely!
  • Define container; reasonably, a room could be defined as a container. A container of what? And furthermore, define empty! Knowing when something's "empty" has all kinds of applications. That and teleporting, even a few inches could be incredible, especially dependent on how often/quickly you could do it. 3 & 7, hands down

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    The quickest way to be sure
  • The wild part for me, though, is when I basically played the basic Greensleeves on the lute from memory in a livestream, then slipped into playing Francis Cutting's version (the best, IMO, the elegance of the compound meter is just badass) after the first playthrough, again by memory, I was copyright struck after the fact twice, with a strike for each, one after the other.

    TBF the proper way of doing it would be to improv it into your own direction, which I did afterwards and didn't get struck for, but it's just crazy to me how much the recording industry tries to clamp down on anyone performing anything even vaguely sounding like a preexisting recording. I contested the strikes, largely standing on principle that I was doing the performing myself and that the music itself was ancient and they were dropped.

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    The quickest way to be sure
  • The number of times it's handed me a copyright strike for recording tunes that are >400 yrs old is simply tiring. Used to be infuriating, but now I'm just tired lol
