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American tourists visiting the EU, what do you think of it?
  • I was driving this weekend, a truck turned onto the road ahead of me, stayed stopped in the right hand lane until I got near to them, then slammed on the gas spewing a massive cloud of filth that entirely enveloped my car. Thankfully my wife and I noticed it beforehand and rolled our windows up.

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    Environmental activists urge Kamala Harris to go big on climate: ‘She’s got to seize the moment’
  • So what you’re saying is it is genuinely damage reduction to work towards the destruction of the US because Americans are so selfish they will overconsume the planet into massive environmental degradation.

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    Diablo Coming to Sega Dreamcast
  • I’ve played Devilution X on my Anbernic handheld and it was serviceable enough, I got to like level 17 before I ran out of steam on my rogue.

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    CounterPulse workers vote to unionize [with Industrial Workers of the World] in history-making election in S.F.
  • Second news story I’ve heard today about IWW unionization at places. Glad to hear it. Too many unions are bourgeoisie captured. While the IWW is a bit too syndicalist for my tastes, it was still the only option for me when I was looking for a union. Wish my coworkers had been more willing to unionize our shop, but labor aristocracy so often misses the forest for the trees that I’m not surprised they weren’t.

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    Tesla Cybertruck gets vandalized by climate activists
  • Mass transit works just fine in rural areas when it’s properly constructed. Busses are about the single worst option for mass transit, and options like high speed rail excel in connecting rural areas to urban and exurban areas with better job opportunities and connecting urbanites to rural areas, both of which bring money to the rural areas.

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    Here's why modern gaming suuuuucks.
  • There’s a lot of games that do very well that don’t fall into your stereotypes.

    Sure, CoD sells the best. That doesn’t mean Disco Elysium sucks though, or Citizen Sleeper, or Stardew Valley, or Sekiro, or Psychonauts 2, or Hollow Knight, or any number of great games. Games that were impossible when manufacture was monopolized by Nintendo’s cartel, or when cartridges were required and made games cost $60 in 1995.

    Gaming is not immune from dialectics. It too exists in a tension between contradictions. It is both terrible, and wonderful, as it was during the golden age you are highlighting from the past, when games cost far more money and were available to far fewer people. When there was no way for one person (Stardew) or two (Hollow Knight) to be able to make and distribute an entire game without submitting themselves to subservience under a publisher.

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    Biden at peace if he loses to Trump: "As long as I gave it my all"
  • The people he’s appointed have exacerbated conflict around the world and brought us to the brink of a world war. He’s incompetent and stuck in an imagined past of American world policing that no one wants anymore.

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    Jaw-Dropping SNES Mod Fixes One Of The Console's Biggest Problems | Time Extension
  • One chip SNES already have super sharp pixels, this just brings 2 Chip SNES up to the standard set by the one chip models. This won’t make them look sharper than one chip SNES on a CRT, but it will make them look more accurate on them, and it will look better on modern displays also.

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    Big problems require solving root issues
  • Overdose prevention sites are still just treating the symptoms, but at least in a way that doesn’t attack the victims. Offer free meaningful rehab treatment to addicts like China did. They went from 30% of their population addicted to opium to nearly 0 within a few short years this way. We shouldn’t be encouraging destructive drug use, nor should we be criminalizing victims of drug companies and criminal organizations.

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    China spots US military aircraft deploying submarine detector in South China Sea
  • There is historical record in the west going back to at least WWII acknowledging that area as Chinese territorial waters. Just because you only follow news cycles while they’re hot, doesn’t mean all of history prior to now stops existing.

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    "Soundblaster" was such an 80s/90s name for a computer part.
  • Splinter Cell 1 was the first game I got when I built one of my computers, and I went out and bought a surround sound set up just for it. Totally worth it. It blew my mind after dealing with chintzy desktop 2.0 setups and onboard speakers before that my whole life.

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    Red Crescent Refutes State Department, Says Israel Never Reached Out About Hind Rajab’s Death
  • **16. **Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

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    The math on unplayed Steam “shame” is way off—and no cause for guilt
  • A lot, probably most, of my hours on steam are from before they tracked it. I had 3,000 hours in CS:S and it shows 0 because I stopped playing long ago. Steams been around for a long time, much longer than its ability to track games, so I imagine there’s a lot of people with “unplayed” games that they’ve played, plus people like you that don’t show their hours for whatever reason.

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    There are better ways to protest climate change than spray painting Stonehenge [with easily removed corn starch] | Just Stop Oil activists could take a page from the civil rights movement, experts say
  • There’s news articles claiming MLK was secretly funded by the USSR to bring disorder to the US, and it was considered credible at that time by the majority of the white population. The point isn’t people’s reactions, when the civil rights act passed the majority of America thought MLK was a terrible person harming America. The point is to create enough disruption that the people with the power to do so are forced to take action or risk outright collapse of the social order.

  • eBay Deleted Support for Unions From Its Website After Its Workers Unionized

    New York City and State comptrollers have called on the company to explain why it no longer explicitly supports workers’ rights to unionize.

    They’ve also been sandbagging negotiations for the last 9 months, the union today is on a march, no strike action yet.


    福禄寿Floruitshow - 如何(How To) - Live @ 2020 Strawberry Music Festival

    I just found this band and I am in love with every song they do. It’s so elegant, and the composition is really on point.
