I think they were actually hacked weren't they?
I think the UK has also been saying this. David Cameron ( known for fucking a dead pigs gob and also being our foreign secretary ) talked about it in a trip to Ukraine.
People who's kids have grown up but are too poor to be able to have kids of their own?
Wasn't my downvote btw but interesting spot none the less.
Yes we do, mostly for Guy Fawks night. Remember remember the 5th of November.
Can someone smarter than me explain why the outside, and not the inside, of the cap is reflected in the table? Or am I just dumb and its been photoshopped
Isn't it inelastic (D changes at a less than proportional rate to price) or have I got it mixed up?
What are you going to do with all those digital foreskins?
Is there a political reason why people don't vote for the UK or are we just that shit?
Hey I'm sure Alpine would love those extra 15hp
Wasn't Netflix basically that? One store front for films and TV shows produced by different companies. Pay a flat monthly fee and get access to the libraries from every production company.
They'd probably get around that by having a 'Promotions and Order status' channel and a random / unused one like an 'App update available' channel. Promotional notifications should just really be banned.
What's IANAL? Is it some new Apple product I don't know about yet?
Is there an equivalent for Jellyfin that anyone knows of?
I assume there's always the option of invalidating your vote by drawing dicks on it or something. The mandate just ensures that everyone has expressed their views.
I don't get why people use 'is allowed to get killed for our country' as a measure of whether someone is old enough to play a part in general society, think critically, or have political opinions.
Does the face recognition run locally too?
Almost anything else, including doing nothing, is better than indiscriminately murdering people.
Why is it important to use the fork of syncthing?