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New study links brain network damage to increased religious fundamentalism
  • I like the overall lack of bullshit psypost articles on Lemmy and would like to keep it that way.

    If you see a psypost article you should be suspicious.

    If you see a psypost article about a paper with a conclusion that you agree with you should be extra suspicious.

    EDIT: And now I've bothered to read the abstract of the paper and the first bit of the psypost article and they don't say the same fucking thing.

    The journal article is saying they identified brain regions associated with fundamentalism by looking at brain lesions. There may be a seemingly obvious connection to say that the brain lesions caused the fundamentalism, but I don't see them actually say that after skimming the full text. They focus on what regions are associated with fundamentalism using lesions as a tool to find them.

    The psypost article says in the first sentence the damage changes the likelihood of fundamentalism.

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    Social Media | PEARLS BEFORE SWINE
  • Some Bernie people even went to Trump for the "drain the swamp" lie.

    It doesn't help that the Clinton campaign intentionally lent credence to Trump thinking he'd be a slam dunk compared to any of the half-sane Republicans in the primaries.

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    An old comic still relevant
  • I think they're playing off the vanity of the car makers and owners wanting everyone to know exactly what car it is.

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    shag carpet
  • Basically. They're ambush hunters that pop up and snatch/vacuum prey into their maws. I recall the tassels are also attractive to fish that look for food in the sand, but don't quote me on that.

    Least annoying video I could find in a few seconds.

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  • White chocolate is literally the stuff they remove from raw chocolate to make chocolate taste good.

    It's like eating the husk and cob of an ear of corn.

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    US can’t ban TikTok for security reasons while ignoring Temu, other apps, TikTok argues
  • I'd say it also needs to be entirely optional and be opt-in only. Any service, program, whatever needs to work fully for anyone who doesn't allow their data to be sold or released with extremely few exceptions.

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    US can’t ban TikTok for security reasons while ignoring Temu, other apps, TikTok argues
  • Better solution.

    Data are owned by the generator. Only they can sell it etc...

    This also solves the privacy problem of law enforcement agencies applying warrants to phone companies etc. for access to your data, which has been an end-run around 4th Amendment rights for decades.

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    NYPD can't find knife at center of Brooklyn subway bystander shooting
  • By "recovered" the cops unironically mean the opposite of recovered - as in a non-police person has taken the knife.

    I can't tell from just this article if I should lean more to standard cop butchering of language or intentional deception.

    EDIT: Or not? I found another article that says they retracted that statement about recovering the knife - that it was the wrong knife. That definitely doesn't make me less suspicious...

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    What's your radical opinion?
  • Weird. I found one in seconds on Google and it's about whether you can use the way, not the rules governing turn order while driving.

    Did you look it up before making that comment?

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  • "Now Jimmy, make sure you wait for a full year of bombing and spend a few thousand dollars adjusting the timing of this satellite to get exactly comparable images so someone on the internet who vaguely heard about manipulative photo techniques, but is fine with ignoring the realities of actually taking the photos, can't nitpick an image of very clear destruction."

    EDIT: And let's just drive this home:

    The differences between 2023 November and 2024 April are due to lighting, and it's plain to see the buildings are still there even with lighting differences.

    Between 2024 April and August nearly everything left of the red line is gone. It's not some trick of the light or sand - you can clearly see the other buildings right of the line.

    You've tried to deflect by saying people are missing the point and you agreed there is destruction - but no one said that. They said that your two points, that the destruction was not as bad as the images suggest, and that the images are intentionally misleading are both false.

    And they are both false.
