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Elon Musk’s legal case against OpenAI is hilariously bad
  • Actually facts are kind of important. They really do help and hinder cases. Attorneys usually like to prevail for their clients So yeah, attorneys care a lot about facts. But what I'm guessing you're reacting to is who gets to decide what are the facts.

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    DeSantis Vetoes Blanket Social Media Ban for Youths Under 16
  • Florida with its Republican supermajority is about to join the gotta provide your ID to do anything Republicans publicly feign indignation over and privately enjoy themselves. So much for less government interference. Hypocrites.

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    went to my first protest today :33
  • I see a lot of other people have responded with examples and argument.

    So I'll disagree and say the argument falls apart when I don't argue. (Cause it's Friday. You ain't got no job. You ain't got shit to do. I'm gonna get you high today.)

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    went to my first protest today :33
  • Hmm I see what the dictionaries are saying but (using an example from above) I think argument exists that:

    If me and my fellow protestors block a road, we are being non-violent, but we are not being peaceful.

    But it's Friday and no time for argument!

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  • Early to mid 20th century??! Dang, double space was seemingly still very much in fashion even after Y2K. Welp, gotta go yell at some kids on my lawn.

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    Three ways climate change is pushing butterflies and moths to their limits
  • Same with me. Anytime I hear or read butterfly I always picture the Monarch. It was always the one we had in a terrarium in primary school to watch the stages of development--which looking back was pretty as a kid. Hell, as an adult metamorphosis is still pretty amazing.

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    Climate Change Is Raising Texas’ Already High Wildfire Risks | The Smokehouse Creek fire is a sign of more to come. Property insurers in Texas are already responding.
  • If you want to know if an issue has real potential consequences, in this instance climate change, see what insurance companies are doing about it. Live in a state where wildfires or hurricanes are an issue? As droughts increase and ocean temperatures increase, your homeowners insurance is going up significantly faster than ever before. Insurance companies exist to make money and they spend huge sums in actuarial predictions to keep making that money.

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    MAGA Megachurch Pastor: MLK "Was Not A Christian" - Joe.My.God.
  • "MacArthur signs statement declaring that Jesus hates people who don’t hate LGBTQs."

    Growing up I was taught Jesus was about love, acceptance, peace, helping others, etc. All good traits worthy of promoting (whether in a religious or secular manner). One good thing about the internet is that it has shown me others to whom I would never be exposed, and just how terrible some can be. (And how great others can be as well.)

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    Plants are flowering earlier than ever – here’s how they sense the seasons
  • "Detailed analysis of almost half a million plant records by scientists in 2022 showed that when all species were considered together the average flowering time in the UK had advanced by a month over the last 40 years."

    This is not a change of say a 1/2 day on average across 100 years. A full month over just 40 years is a huge change. I just can't understand those who fully deny ANY global climate change is occurring. (And that's distinguishing from those who agree it's happening just that human activity has no effect.) The evidence is simply overwhelming at this point.

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    Three ways climate change is pushing butterflies and moths to their limits
  • Growing up there were heaps of Monarch Butterflies every summer. Now, I don't even remember the last time I saw one. Same with fireflies. (Not the UK, but goes to show the environmental challenges being seen everywhere.)

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    Texas sues Pornhub owner for not adding age verification requirements
  • Hey AG Ken Paxton, what happened to less government in private affairs? This is a parenting issue. Are you now all for the nanny state? Or is it the ol double standard of government interference is ok but only in the matters which you say it's ok? Maybe concentrate on all those pending criminal charges, or the whistleblower lawsuit, or the illegal dealings with donors, and get your hand out of everyone's pants.
