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How to deal with a partner's chronic pain
  • Tbh i already feel like an asshole because I'm having a hard time getting through to her, and she's now feeling so much guilt over this, wish it didn't have to be so hard.

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    How to deal with a partner's chronic pain
  • Thank you very much, i don't mind doing most of the housework, thing is we don't live together (yet, hopefully we will soon), so there's a lot of guilt and other feeling on her side, i hope i can hold it just a bit more, until it gets better.

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    How to deal with a partner's chronic pain
  • I had that idea, i think now that i have a bit of time on my hands I'll compile a list of stretches and compile detailed videos or links if i find any, and maybe will see to it that she does them correctly.

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    average day in NPM land
  • The latter, and the underutilization of the fact that the standard library exists, and consequently the existence of so many micro dependencies.

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    How to deal with a partner's chronic pain
  • I only told the parts I've been having trouble with, of course it will sound like this, this exactly is the reason why relationship advice online has a bad rep for going all "dump them".

    On another comment i said she was my closest friend before being in a relationship with me, i want to keep her, that's the point of the post.

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    How to deal with a partner's chronic pain
  • i kinda don't really trust acupuncture, we had something similar suggested by her doctor, wanted to strong arm that man for suggesting it.

    We'll hopefully get a better support network soon, but it'll take a while to show improvements

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    How to deal with a partner's chronic pain
  • She already does that, usually when she's at her place, i worry she does some incorrectly as she has been reporting pain in her bones shortly after stretching

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    How to deal with a partner's chronic pain
  • I've been trying to bring it up, but it hasn't been going well, it always sounds like i want a break up, it's getting so difficult, i hope it'll get better friend.

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    How to deal with a partner's chronic pain
  • Much appreciated, saving this comment for later. I also have something else to ask of you, you mentioned food intolerances, might they have caused unexplained nausea? That is something my partner is dealing with, i want to know how did you find out about, and also pinpoint the exact intolerances, I've done some reading on it before trying to find a doctor to contact and get advice from.

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    How to deal with a partner's chronic pain
  • I'm looking for advice on preserving my relationship, it's very important to me, I don't think I'm an asshole, that's not why I'm here.

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    How to deal with a partner's chronic pain
  • I'll try to focus on myself more, but I'll still do whatever i can to keep my current partner, she'd do the same to me and she's the closest friend i had before she became my partner.

  • Been in a relationship for a year, since early in the relationship my partner has been suffering with chronic back pain. This pain is almost always present, this causes breakdowns multiple times a week, especially on weekends.

    I've been having a hard time helping her manage her pain and being there for her, it reoccures so much that I'm starting to feel myself becoming apathetic towards her, and sometimes outright cold.

    I haven't really been getting a chance to rest from being emotionally available, or even socially available (even though life circumstance already caused me to basically halt all social life). And i haven't really had a weekend this past months that i could use to rest instead of being on call and hearing her cry most of the day.

    I feel like I'm pouring from an empty cup and that I don't have any other choice, otherwise I'd be leaving her to deal with it herself.

    It feels like it's going to be the end of our relationship, any advice?

    p.s. we're a man-woman relationship, young adults, both of us not really experienced in relationships, if that's any help.


    Been 2 months since the update but I don't see any news about code editor support for the new syntax.

    This kind of makes sense, i don't expect code editor support to pop up so fast, but i was at least hoping to hear some news about it.

    The PEP in question: PEP 695
