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Do you ever get frustrated at your own creation?
  • Fam, the TLDR I'm hearing isn't "wish my folks made healthier life choices and hadn't conceived me in such a specifically shameful manner that affects my life", but "I wish I was never born, DAE feel this way?"

    My answer is that, this seems deeper than what lemmy can offer, it's worth talking to a therapist about, and I hope you can find a way forward for you.

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    New to manga. I've finished Death Note, Berserk, Assassination Classroom, and Attack on Titan. What should I read next?
  • Tomodachi Game, the whole way, with "how will our protagonist(s) overcome it this time?" and "THERE'S A PLOT TWIST COMING, BUT I still don't know what it IIIIISSS" and no one is safe.

    I think it just finished this month? Binge to your heart's content.

  • Smoking Behind the Supermarket with You (Official) - Chapter 40

    Smoking Behind the Supermarket with You (Official) - Chapter 40 : Meet Sasaki, an overworked, middle-aged office worker. His days are marked only by the passing of more unrewarding corporate drudgery. Smoking helps take the edge off, but other than that, the only bright spot of his day is when he go...

    How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase?
  • Second this, just get some thumbstick covers. I have the 8bitdo pro, and I'm getting tired of the joysticks peeling off onto the rest of the controller after a game.

    I haven't had drift on them yet, but if/when I need to replace Old Reliable, I'm looking for hall effect joysticks.

    Edit: damn, just found out the pro2 has hall effect joysticks

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    So technical question...
  • I can see future archeologists (god forbid, Ai archeologists) digging up old posts like this and going, "tf, this was upvoted? Interjecting with too much tangential information? The tone came off rude though?" and not get the reference if they weren't versed in linux community culture already

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    Mint (noob) default apps with wine
  • TLDR, scroll down to the script. Make a .sh file, allow it to run as a program, set it as your default program to open whatever filetype

    Navigate to the appropriate/your favorite folder to store portable applications. Make the below script as a new file called
    Fellow newbies, the .sh is important.
    Then set this .sh file's permissions to allow executing this file as a Program; may differ by distro.


    # Script to set a windows application (that runs through WINE) as the default to open PDF files:

    # PURPOSE: To convert Linux-style filename to Windows-style
    # to pass as an argument to wine when starting PDF XChange Viewer

    # Assuming you use the default installation folder for PDF
    # XChange Viewer in Wine
    App='eval wine "C:\Program Files\Filepath\To\Your\PDFXEdit.exe" "'$Filename'"'

    # Adapted originally from:
    #'d at: \
    # Additional credit in 2024:

    You can also check the appropriate windows-formatted filepath with Winetricks, using its built in windows File Explorer, finding your .exe, and copying the path starting from "C:".
    [Edit: the default install folder in the script would normally be C:\Program Files, my bad. I downloaded the portable version and shoved it wherever, so my filepath looks like "C:\users\Froggy\Documents\PDFXchange test01\PDFXEdit.exe"]

    Mint Cinnamon 21:

    • right click your shell script file, Properties > Permissions > check on "Allow executing file as program".
    • Then find a PDF file (or whatever filetype), right click, Open With > 'Other Application...' > browse for this .sh file you just made.
    • After selecting this .sh file, be sure to select "Set as default" before clicking OK.

    I could not tell you for the life of me why this didn't work with a .desktop file on Mint 21.

    I spent the past few hours down the wrong rabbit holes with .desktop and exec=wine 'filepaths' and just about died of asphyxiation from absolutely nothing happening. I've been wanting to do the same thing too for a while, but decided that right before bedtime was the perfect time to look it up.
    [Edit: I figured out spacing in the script. Also moved the Mint specific instructions down the comment for flow clarity]

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    Help me understand littering
  • "I never learned or thought about how long my trash will actually insist on existing and polluting my environment. I'm completely ignorant of how incredibly slowly plastic decomposes and how toxic it is for plastic to leach into the lowest parts of the food chain and concentrate on its way up."

    "AFAIK, because the earth will take care of it somehow - everything turns into dirt when you leave it in the dirt long enough, right?"

    "I'm just sooo ignorant, plastic will just break back up into little plastic fibers and the ocean can recycle it for us, like tree bark or w/e, right?"

    That's my best, but still invalid, justification. What do I win ::: spoiler spoiler /sarcasm (I hope this spoiler works bc it's not working on boost) :::

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    Help me understand littering
  • I once convinced one of my aunts that leaving your cart out gives companies another excuse to raise prices again
    (not that I actually think that's true; i just didn't want to feel like an butthole for leaving our cart out)

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    Are there any workouts that men shouldn't do?
  • Part of my goals in working out is to feel like I can finally comfortably lift giant dogs like babies. Nobody asked, but just wanted to add to how diverse our goals can be.

  • If I'm an adult who wants to experience splashing around and wading round the pool, but whose swimming capabilities extend as far as doggy paddling to safety and floating on my back - what can I even do to have fun at the pool?

    What do you do at the pool?

    Bonus round: kind of out of my budget to pay for swimming classes, and available friends & family are nil. :c But I borrowed a life jacket from a coworker, and could buy cheap floaties or a pool noodle.


    SOLVED, with a huge thank you to !

    Hiyo Librecalc pros. Hoping someone has an idea how to automate or minimize the steps for this. Or where should I start? I'm trying to automate transcribing a list from: Closet_01 Cartridge123 Cartridge234 Garagenook_01 Cartridge456 Toolbox567 Toolbox789 Garagenook_02 Cartridge890

    Into an array/table like: Cartridge123, Closet_01 Cartridge234, Closet_01 Cartridge456, Garagenook_01 Toolbox567, Garagenook_01 Toolbox789, Garagenook_01 Cartridge890, Garagenook_02

    I get it; I should just carry around a barcode list of all my shelf names and take turns between scanning the list, tabbing over on my phone, scanning a box, then tabbing back again. But... what if I want to be lazier and just scan things in an order and automate the rest later?

    Is there a faster way than copy-pasting my way down?

    I got as far as making an adjacent column with a formula to check for "_", then copying the location if "_" was found.


    Short term: I'm trying to automate transcribing a list from: A 123 234 B 456 567 789 C 345

    Into an array/table 123, A 234, A 456, B 567, B 789, B 345, C

    Long term answer I'm looking for: where's a lemmy community I can ask questions like this (like about using formulas in Librecalc/Onlyoffice suite/maybe VBA with them too) in the future?

    Or, if not yet established on lemmy, recommended librecalc/Onlyoffice forums?

    Thank you for your time.


    Need help learning to use Twitch API

    Hi all. I'm trying to make my own twitch chatbot in the spirit of Linux DIY'ing and masochism; having my own bot's name is waaaaay cooler than a common bot with user-friendly UIs and their plethora of engaging and powerful features, apparently.

    TL;DR: How do I min-max learning how to translate the Twitch API documentation for Node.JS? Exact questions at the bottom.

    My progress so far on July 9, 2023: I set up a bot successfully using this article but with tweaks: Archive .org capture here:*/


    • Skipped the streamyard stuff because, who cares, I have OBS
    • I added identity tags under the connection configurations because I kept getting errors in my terminal that my bot couldn't write to chat anonymously (I've never seen anonymous chatting, why the hell is this in the suggested code). Connection config section of the .js file now looks like this:

    >const client = new tmi.Client({ options: { debug: true, messagesLogLevel: "info" }, connection: { reconnect: true, secure: true }, identity: { username: ${process.env.TWITCH_USERNAME}, password: oauth:${process.env.TWITCH_OAUTH} }, channels: [${process.env.TWITCH_CHANNEL}] });`

    • Kind of nested (is that the right word?) in the switch section, I removed the entire "Upvote" and "Cheers" shenanigans because, for some reason with the suggested code in the article, it replied like "FireEmoji unknown_user unknown_user, you have been upvoted!" to every single line of chat, lmao. The bot would reply to "Watsup dorks" with something like "FiReEmOji @Watsup dorks, you have been upvoted!".
    • Also kind of nested in the switch section, I added the random number generator example given in other people's tutorials around the internet and formatted it similarly to the article's method of checking messages like so:

    >// When user enters "!rolldice" in chat, bot returns random number between 1 and 20. case '!rolldice': client.say(channel, ${tags.username} rolled a ${Math.floor(Math.random()*20)+1}!); break;

    If you would like me to revisit that article's suggested code as-is and be more specific with my errors encountered, I'd be happy to oblidge upon request.

    Questions I hope to answer someday: How do I get my bot to see if a message has a hyperlink, then delete that message? How do I set up a whitelist database of usernames for my bot to reference so they could post whatever links? How do I get my bot to timeout people who have entered trigger words in chat? How do I get my bot to change other chatters' name colors in chat? What is the next best source of internet community I can go to for advice on Twitch API use? (It's July 2023 at the moment, and giving Reddit traffic to learn to make moderator bots is, IMO, a bit ironic). How can I learn to translate the Twitch API commands to javascript like this? Is there a library that can tell me in close-to-plain-english that explains things like "client.say() means this, this is how you can use it, and X things must be specified in these brackets for client.say" etc.?
