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Owl of the Year Match 27 - Snowy Owl vs Flammulated Owl
  • Thanks, I was already wondering about the first (Latin) part of the name. The literal translation of dwerg-oor-uil is dwarf eared owl. Is that the same as scops Owl? Maybe the Ponderosa part doesn't refer to the trees either, but to Flammy's fanbase right now; it's getting quite large now!

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    Owl of the Year Match 26 - Blakiston's Fish Owl vs Screech Owl
  • BFO stands for everything good, so for Big F'n Owl too. Also, they are goong to rename him soon, so maybe Big F'n Owl will be the official name soon (probably not though).

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    Owl of the Year Match 26 - Blakiston's Fish Owl vs Screech Owl
  • Screech Owl is such a great owl, but I'm fully committed to BFO's cause by now. They're just so glorious and perfect as the representative of the Superbowl community. Go BFO! (Image from a video geniously called "Blakiston's Fish Owl" by Ray H)

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    Short Eared Owl Propaganda
  • Oof! SEO definitely needs some propaganda! They need to overcome a 20 point gap right now! But who knows, the day is still long. Thanks for helping the OOP in getting some well-deserved attention, to stop the hegemony of the Snowy Owl.

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    Blakiston's Fish Owl Propaganda
  • I must say I expected to read some bad stuff about Verreaux, but digging up a corpse and sending it to another country is on another level of "not okay". I appreciate that you try to keep out politics. I follow politics quite well, but sometimes it's nice to have something apolitical as well.

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    Blakiston's Fish Owl Propaganda
  • You made a post about this a while ago, didn't you? I completely forgot about these renamings! I'm also curious what will happen to the names in other languages. In Dutch, my native language, they translated the name from English: I think they'll rename that too, but I don't know for sure. Also, that Audubon guy doesn't seem to deserve the organization being named after him. Ironic indeed!

  • ! Some propaganda for the biggest owl in the world, written by children's author Roald d'Owl. BFO stands for "Blakiston's Fish Owl", or "Big Friendly Owl", or "Big F'n Owl"... or whatever, I don't even know anymore. Anyway, don't forget to vote in today's matches: Sooty v BFO is very close! Vote for whatever owl you like most, and don't let this piece of propaganda influence your choice!

    Owl of the Year Match 15 - Flammulated Owl vs Great Horned Owl
  • I wasn't expecting this either! But we have already seen some surprises this tournament, with the early elimination of the Eurasian Eagle Owl (that one still hurts me) for example. Maybe people are more likely to vote for the underdog in this tournament?

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    Wat een kloteverkiezingsuitslag!
  • Goed punt! Negeren was inderdaad niet echt het goede woord. Ik ben wel bang dat als PVV heel hard gaat huilen ze de mensen die nu niet hebben gestemd overtuigen. Dat zijn mensen die vaak geen verstand hebben van politiek en dus zo'n situatie niet goed begrijpen. De BBB had bij de provincies ook veel stemmen van deze mensen gekregen. Laten we hopen dat dit niet gaat gebeuren

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    Wat een kloteverkiezingsuitslag!
  • Dat zou ook kunnen, maar ik denk dat dat wel ophef gaat opleveren omdat ze Wilders weer negeren. Ik vrees dat dat hem alleen maar meer stemmen gaat opleveren in de volgende verkiezingen.

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    Wat een kloteverkiezingsuitslag!
  • "Ik had niet gedacht dat paarden MIJN gezicht zouden vreten!" zegt vrouw die op PVV (Paarden Vreten Vrouwengezichten) stemde.

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    Wat een kloteverkiezingsuitslag!
  • Dan kan ik alleen nog hopen dat zijn partij (hierdoor of door iets anders) helemaal uit elkaar valt. Waarschijnlijk is dit ijdele hoop, maar ik kan de realiteit nog niet onder ogen zien.

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    Wat een kloteverkiezingsuitslag!
  • Ik hoop dat er ofwel geen coalitie gevormd kan worden (als Omtzigt zijn woord houdt en dus niet met de PVV samengaat) en er dus nieuwe verkiezingen komen, of dat kabinet Wilders I zo incompetent is dat ze niets bereiken dat niet door de rechter wordt tegengehouden, waarna bij de volgende verkiezingen wellicht competente mensen worden gekozen. Ik vrees dat er de komende jaren veel goeds uit Nederland zal verdwijnen.

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    Trending Communities for Monday 6th November 2023
  • Oh, I didn't even see it on there. But yeah, that's a lot of growth. Maybe some people were only subscribed to the .ml one and suddenly realised this one existed too? Anyway, it's nice to see it growing
