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Ohio tourism
  • Did some one say Ohio Tourism?

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    If there was any object in your life that was cursed, what would it be?
  • When I was a kid, my mom either bought or was gifted a little plush snowman that would say "Happy holidays! Happy holidays!" When you squeezed it. It would maybe get squeezed a few times in December and then put in a bin until the following year. No one ever changed the batteries and it still worked each year for many years. Then it started to run out of juice. And slowly over each year it would sound more and more demonic, but it always played at least once before running out of power. It's now been more than 25 years and we still check it each year to see if the demonic snowman is still alive. I'm not sure it will ever die if it was never alive in the first place...

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    Don't be hatin', this is what American Culture looks like
  • That's a whole green olive... But still.

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    As a Italian-Polish person, I don't know how to feel..
  • And that's why, as a Midwesterner, I proudly put black olives on my tacos. And it's tastes pretty damn great!

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    It's called public transport?
  • I'm actually surprised that this isn't how it works at Trump rallies considering he is a former president. When I went to see Obama at the Lincoln National Cemetery, they had everyone arrive in a different location and then had them go through security before getting on busses to the real location where his speech would be. I'm assuming that's what is happening for Kamala's rallies as she is the current VP. But it also just makes sense from a security standpoint of a former president? I'm also no expert and just speculating.

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    Lemmy right now
  • I've been thoroughly enjoying these memes. They remind me a lot of when shittymorph would get you with the undertaker bit. Except now I'll be looking at cool science charts that are genuinely interesting only to find someone snuck in a sneaky Saddam.

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    Rule everything
  • 90% of my job is making finalist presentations for our sales department. The amount of times I receive the power point they put together and half the text is bold... I always think of that scene from The Incredibles. When everything is in bold... nothing is.

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    About 5, apparently

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    Is JD Vance mad at cat ladies because they won't let him eat their cats?
  • JD Vance is a closeted childless cat lady pass it on

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    I always think I'm going to make banana bread with my old bananas... but then I don't.
  • A+ meme! I had a good laugh. But also, just peel them and put them in a freezer bag in the freezer to use later. This way they are ready to go for your next smoothie!

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    Me too, thanks.
  • Not 3 years ago, I had a landlord who was very low key and hands off. This was great in the sense that we could do whatever we wanted to the apartment and he wouldn't care, but we had to write him an actual check each month. Considering this apartment had everything we wanted with all the sprinkles for an incredible price, I was totally down to write a physical check if that's what the guy wanted. Plus you can typically get your bank to write and send checks automatically which we ended up doing after a while. Ended up staying for 5 excellent years! 10/10 would write checks again.

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    What are your favorite examples of 'media within media' (e.g., shows, stories, or movies inside of other shows or books)?
  • I'm surprised no one has mentioned the fake old movie that plays in Home Alone. "I'm gonna give you till the count of 10 to get your ugly yeller no good keester off my property before I pump your guts full of lead! One... Two... Ten!" 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫

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    Almost 1 in 4 millennials and Gen Z-ers say they won't have kids due to finances
  • Well... Duh?

    Even if I look at my own family... My sister has loads of health issues and is financially unstable, so she has decided to be a dog mom instead. My brother is in a situation where he will likely never own a home and will have to rent his whole life, so that's a no for him as well even though I know he'd like kids. I'm the lucky sibling that has stable enough work that I could buy a house. But it's a real fixer upper that I've spent 3 years remodeling and even when it's done, I'll be in my mid 30s by the time I have kids because I didn't want to have kids in an unstable environment. Most of my friends will not have kids for similar reasons with a few exceptions and those usually involve situations where they had financial help from parents or married someone 10 years older than themself who was in a more stable position. So uh.... Yeah that seems to be the state of things at the moment.

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    All four brought us together
  • Whoever has been posting these ancient memes on Lemmy lately is making me feel like a frickn' historian. Just give me a coffin to lay in already!

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    All four brought us together

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  • Can someone please teach whoever made this about the basics of graphic design? I can hardly read this ity-bity condensed as fuck text on top of a potato quality complicated background. Good God.

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    [article] What to do about America’s killer cars
  • I read a different article a few months ago about how cars are now so heavy that guardrails do absolutely nothing to stop them anymore. And while I'm all about small cars for a number of reasons, electric cars are super heavy even if small which of course is growing in demand. I'll just be glad to move back to the city soon where I can take public transit.

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    I wanted to try out the Wray & Nephew rum that @Infynis used in a previous post and I think it turned out great! It was a LOT cheaper than I expected which is always a plus!


    • 11/2 oz Virgin lslands Rum
    • 11/2 oz Pineapple Juice
    • 3/40z Cream Of Coconut
    • 3/40z Fresh Orange Juice
    • Fresh Grates Nutmeg Garnish

    It's been a very long week working 10 hours days. So I'm ending it on a a sweet note with one of my favorite dessert cocktails!


    • 1 oz Bourbon
    • ¾ oz Mr. Coffee
    • ¾ oz demerara syrup
    • 1 egg yolk
    • ½ oz heavy cream (oat milk and chickpea milk work good as alternatives)
    • Nutmeg for garnish

    Combine ingredients except nutmeg and dry shake (shake longer if using a milk substitute). Add ice and shake vigorously. Double strain into coup glass and grate a nutmeg on top for garnish.

    My personal favorite version uses barista oat milk, but I'm sure you can use whatever milk or milk alternative you like.


    Gettin' too big and stretchy for its pot!

    Hey everyone, I just got back from vacation and I'm super happy to see that the community didn't implode! Thank you all for being respectful while I was away and making my first mod experience a good one. I'll have to find a mod buddy before my next vacation 🤣.


    I'm back from vacation and it looks like this community died while I was away 😭. Not to worry, my husband turned into a mad scientist and decided he needed to make angostura ice cream. Is it a cocktail? Probably not, but I'll let you decide. If you want to give this a try without making homemade ice cream, you can just top some vanilla ice cream in angostura bitters and enjoy!

    Thanks everyone for being respectful while I was away! I need to get a new mod buddy before my next vacation 🤣. I'll post an actual real cocktail soon.


    This is my husband's creation and it's quite tasty! Also I'm aware that I've posted a lot of matcha cocktails lately, but I guess that's what I've been in the mood for 🤷.


    • 3/4 oz. St. George spiced pear liqueur
    • 2 oz. London dry gin
    • 3/4 oz. Honey syrup
    • 1 oz. Lemon juice
    • 1 Egg white
    • 1/4 tsp. Matcha powder
    • 1 Basil leaf for garnish

    Combine ingredients in a shaker and dry shake for about 20 seconds. Add ice and shake until chilled, about 10 more seconds. Double strain into a glass and garnish with a basil leaf.


    Out of all the recipes I've tried, this is my absolute favorite non-alcoholic recipe from the book Regarding Cocktails! It does contain angostura bitters, but you can leave those out if you want the drink to be 100% alcohol free. But even if you don't, it contains no more than kombucha would. Excellent recipe to make in large batches that you can add soda water to when ready to drink!


    • 1 oz. Lemon juice
    • 1 oz. Pineapple juice
    • 1 oz. Ginger syrup
    • 1 Bar spoon of maple syrup
    • A dash of angostura bitters
    • 3 oz. Soda water

    Combine all but the soda water and shake vigorously with ice. Strain into a Collins glass with a spear of ice and a straw. Carefully top with soda water. (There isn't a garnish in the book, but some suggestions I like to use include mint, cucumber, lemon peel, or candied ginger).


    This is my first focaccia made from Claire Saffitz's book Dessert Person. Here's a video with the recipe for those interested.


    Got a hold of some Chartreuse this weekend and had to make this classic!


    • 3/4 ounce gin
    • 3/4 ounce green Chartreuse
    • 3/4 ounce maraschino liqueur
    • 3/4 ounce lime juice
    • brandied cherry for garnish

    Shake with ice and strain into a Nick and Nora glass. Garnish with cherry and enjoy!


    One of my favorite summer drinks!


    • 1/2 oz Lemon juice
    • 1/2 oz Honey syrup
    • 1/4 tsp. Matcha powder
    • 2 oz Japanese whiskey
    • Sparkling water
    • Lemon peel for garnish

    Shake first 4 ingredients with ice and strain into a highball glass with a spear of ice. Top with sparkling water and add a lemon peel to the rim for garnish.


    About a year ago, I was unable to drink alcohol for medical reasons. So I dove into some recipes for non-alcoholic cocktails, and I wasn't disappointed. There are loads of excellent non-alcoholic recipes that I enjoy just as much as their alcoholic counterparts.

    This recipe is from the book Good Drinks:

    • 1oz basil matcha syrup
    • 1oz heavy cream or full-fat coconut milk
    • 3/4 oz lime juice
    • 3 oz soda water
    • matcha for garnish

    Shake syrup, cream, and juice with ice and strain into a Collins glass over ice. Add soda water carefully and garnish by sprinkling matcha powder on top.

    Enjoy your Independence Day weekend!


    Lei Lani Volcano from my favorite tiki book Smuggler's Cove! What are your favorite cocktail books?


    • 3oz Bundaberg guava soda
    • 1 1/2oz pineapple juice
    • 3/4oz lime juice
    • 1oz coconut cream
    • 1 1/2oz blended aged rum

    Add soda to a collins glass. Then add remaining ingredients to a cocktail shaker and fill with cracked or cubed ice. Shake and double strain into the glass. Gently add cracked or cubed ice to the glass and garnish.


    Hello again! Feast your eyes upon the meal doomed to end up all over the table and your lap!


    Going to start posting some classics this week to get engagement up. Please enjoy these lettuce bits on pegs with what looks to be not enough dressing and bread.


    This one turned out just excellent! Very refreshing and perfect for summer! I even made one with Gin for my mom and that one turned out great too!


    • 2 oz. Bourbon
    • 3/4 oz. Maple Syrup
    • 3/4 oz. Lemon Juice
    • 4 Blackberries
    • 6-8 Mint leaves
    • 2 blackberries and a mint sprig for garnish

    Add syrup, lemon juice, blackberries, and mint leaves to a shaker tin and muddle until the blackberries have been very juiced. Add the bourbon and shake with ice. Double strain into a rocks glass over a large ice cube and garnish with mint sprig and blackberries.-
