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is there a way to see your past comments/posts?
  • Is there possibly a way to have titles above posts instead of below? I have no idea why the post titles are below the posts themselves since, you know, title.

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    is there a way to see your past comments/posts?
  • Thank you much, yeah I was dumb, there's a separate profile drop down I missed lol. Think I get the basics of it, have been lurking since they killed RIF just got around to making an account now. Thank you again

  • Super new, like....10 minutes ago account. Click on my name and it just brings to home page. On Connect for android. Also do you get notifications when someone replies? Are there private messages?

    Today is most likely some American's last day with all 10 fingers, and they don't know it
  • A long while ago when I was a dumb teenager one of my buddies lit a firework and then just stood there holding it like a dumbfuck. Finally he threw it, it went off about half a second after leaving his hand, which he drew back IN MY FACE to throw. Less than a second from being blind. No more firecrackers after that.
