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Proton CEO comments about proton drive client for linux
  • Yeah I agree, package it once and let the community do the remaining work. I believe that's how steam was introduced to Linux, I don't now where we are currently.

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    What to try in a linux distro ?
  • I'd say it depends if you are a technical user or not.

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    UltimaDark - The Fastest Dark Mode Extension
  • On my rather old FP3 it spares me a few seconds per page load and the result seems quite comparable to dark reader.

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    UltimaDark - The Fastest Dark Mode Extension
  • Thanks! I was missing the desktop site trick 👍

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    UltimaDark - The Fastest Dark Mode Extension
  • How did you install it on mobile? Do you need to use the nightly?

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    You Can Now Try Firefox’s Vertical Tabs
  • I think it can be disabled, in the screenshot from the articles there is a "AI chatbots" toggle

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    Linux Distros Evolution over time - July 2024 Snapshot
  • Yeah, my first question when I saw the title was "how do you even gather this data?". It's actually pretty cool as steam probably has rather reliable data in its own niche.

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    Windows 11 is nagging users to try OneDrive to "fully backup" your PC
  • Yeah but they have one killer feature others don't : shuting up these f**king notifications.

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    Introducing Proton Scribe: a privacy-first writing assistant
  • Yeah that's fair enough. But I have to say it's still frustrating seeing everyone investing so much money on this exact same feature. I'm not sure we have had time to figure out how people use this, everyone is just frightened to be left behind.

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    How far should a programming language aware diff go?
  • Oh yeah, so I'm that other kind of guy 🥺

    I kinda like your idea, but I think it can be difficult to detect some confusing situations. I think it would be a better idea, but I don't think it's a full replacement.

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    How far should a programming language aware diff go?
  • I don't have an opinion on the topic but I see a blind spot in your argument, so I have to be that kind of person ... 🥺

    One could use the exact same example to argue that humans are very bad at parsing code (especially if whitespace kicks in). In that regard a tool that allows them to reason on a standardized representation of the AST can be a protection against a whole class of attacks.

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    Signal under fire for storing encryption keys in plaintext on desktop app
  • What other red flags do you have in mind?

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    Mélenchon explique pourquoi une partie de la gauche est en train de trahir
  • pourquoi on se passerait du mec qui a fait 22% aux présidentielles

    Ça m'a toujours semblé nimpossible d'interpréter ce qui se passe aux urnes avec notre système de vote, mais perso j'avais voté de façon purement utilitaire. Mon contre argument à ça c'est que Glucksman est sorti en tête de la gauche aux européennes et qu'on laisse la droite centrer le debat à propos de NFP sur LFI, alors que pour le coup on a une expression des électeurs.

    La gauche sans Mélenchon et LFI elle a gouverné il n'y a pas longtemps, c'était un désastre.

    Ça pour moi c'est le même argument que "de toutes façon c'est toujours la merde, au moins le RN on a jamais essayé". Alors j'ai pas spécialement d'argument appuyant que chonchon serait un mauvais dirigeant, mais ça c'en est pas un non plus. En plus ça découpe la gauche de façon très bizarre : Mélenchon et les autres.

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    Mélenchon explique pourquoi une partie de la gauche est en train de trahir
  • Je trouve que la gauche s'en sort pas mal sans lui non ? N'avait t'il pas dit lui même "faites mieux" après la dernière présidentielle ?

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    I'm Not a Programmer, but Here’s Why Linux Is My Daily Driver
  • Maybe with zRAM and a bit of swap it could run quite ok 🤷

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    What do you think of this prediction?
  • Steam, my Steam library and Proton could disappear. But at least it will have supported a big traction in the ecosystem : Wine, DXVK, Lutris, Heroic Launcher, Bazzite, etc... are all open source projects (so they can't really disappear) that have never moved as fast as they are today.

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    YouTube looks to be testing server-side ad injection to counter ad blockers
  • You could still go for a premium subscription, but I don't trust Google with my money either.

    I hope this would make some quality content creators to move to another platform, but I don't really believe in this.

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    Ne considérez pas que 1/3 des français sont pour le RN.
  • Heuuu, si tu considère que le bulletin est simplement interpretable tu peux seulement affirmer que AU MOINS 1/9 des français sont pour le RN.

    Ça ressemble un peu à du dénis comme post, quand j'étais étudiant on avait une variante de ça où tous le monde se convainquait que seul les vieux votaient pour (l'extrême) droite et donc qu'il fallait juste attendre que notre génération vieillisse.

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    Patrick Breyer and Pirate Party lose EU Parliament seats
  • But at least France is holding its hand this time! 🙃

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    EU approval for chat control
  • I'm relieved that the group I wanted to vote was against. I'm frightened that it was the only one against in France 😱
