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  • My experience with Linux is something like 4 years of Ubuntu then 8 years of Arch. What kept me in was stability (in the sense that I don't need to clean install every 6 months) and the wiki which allowed me to learn, a lot.

    Although what I sometime don't enjoy, is the random maintenance burden : every now and then some package you rely on may change how it works (config format, cli interface). You can fix this later by keeping an outdated version but it will eventually need a bit of work. That's something I don't mind on my work computer, but on my personal one ... I just don't want more work coming at me when I get home and want to play games.

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    OpenAI now tries to hide that ChatGPT was trained on copyrighted books, including J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series
  • Well, I'd consider agreeing if the LLMs were considered as a generic knowledge database. However I had the impression that the whole response from OpenAI & cie. to this copyright issue is "they build original content", both for LLMs and stable diffusion models. Now that they started this line of defence I think that they are stuck with proving that their "original content" is not derivated from copyrighted content 🤷

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    Tech's broken promises: Streaming is now just as expensive and confusing as cable. Ubers cost as much as taxis. And the cloud is no longer cheap.
  • The issue for me is that coming from pirating as a teen (no way my parents were paying for any digital entertainment), I got used to "choose what I want to watch" first and then finding a solution on how to watch it.

    Streaming platforms don't solve this problem at all, and even when you subscribe to everything some must-watch movies are not on any platforms.

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    GNOME 44.4 Is Out to Improve Epiphany, GNOME Software, and More - 9to5Linux
  • Well, let's be polite and say it's not for everyone. TCB13 isn't the only person to really love this DE 😛

    I don't get the enthousiasm either, there is always to much information for me on the screen and inconsistent UI all over the place 🤷

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    Devuan 5.0 Released For Debian 12 Without systemd
  • I really enjoy using systemd and wasn't an aware linux user before it started getting adopted, but you message really reads like a bad commercial 😅 "begin today your journey through..."

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    What is your preferred daily driver distribution?
  • The wiki is what makes it really hard for me to move out. This masterpiece is where I learned 70% of what I know about linux systems 🤷

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    Any professionals that work with algorithmic systems able to help out?
  • From the link :

    Algorithmic systems, which will typically involve the processing of data to produce outputs and/or make decisions, are playing an increasingly important role within many organisations and across a broad range of sectors. Importantly, these systems are designed, developed, deployed, used, and overseen by people, and can have far reaching implications.

    I think this definition doesn't really answer your question, but I assume we talk about companies that make automated strategical decisions ?

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    Windows 12
  • Same after Windows 8.1 ! 🥳

    I've had to use Windows 11 a tiny bit for work and it was the most painful experience I had for a while. Most apps I used on there had obvious bugs, like the VPN chosen by my company requiring me to reboot every time it goes to sleep ...

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    All smartphones, including iPhones, must have replaceable batteries by 2027 in the EU
  • I love how higher IP rating is always the argument, it looks like everybody in this planet is doing daily deep diving and needs its smartphone to do that 😅

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    Rethinking Window Management on GNOME – Space and Meaning
  • I love the direction this is going, I've been using i3/sway for years and gnome apps recently became awesome in tiling mode because of their responsiveness. If this is implemented this could definitely get me back on gnome 👍

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    As Twitter destroys its brand by renaming itself X, Mastodon user numbers are again soaring | TechCrunch
  • Feel you, I've been working with this kind of person but he was pushed away a few weeks after my arrival. He still had time to make an impression though, his genius move was to tell each team that the others hated them, which had no effect because we talked to each others...

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    As Twitter destroys its brand by renaming itself X, Mastodon user numbers are again soaring | TechCrunch
  • But in the other hand lemmy seems much more mature than lemmy.

    Don't get me wrong, the experience has been rapidly growing in recent weeks thanks to the proliferation of third party apps 👍 But Mastodon's first party experience feels solid and their new official app just blends in any mainstream app.

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    As Twitter destroys its brand by renaming itself X, Mastodon user numbers are again soaring | TechCrunch
  • It must be so horrible working "with" him. You're trying to build something and every morning you must be frightened to see Elon hanging on a ladder because he thought it was so funny to draw dicks everywhere on the building, which would have you cancel everything you are working on.

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    What distribution is most used in production environment
  • You mean you never received any major package update on arch ? 😛

    More seriously, it depends on what we are talking about, if everything runs in container I agree that it kinda doesn't matter, you will just have a more up to date kernel, but it is stable enough.

    Other peoples on this thread are talking about actual system dependancies, for example installing a postgres server from official repo. On this example it would require a database migration as soon as a major postgres version is released, which means some downtime and non-scheduled maintainance.

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    [EN] Les investissements de 125 milliardaires ont la même empreinte carbone que la France
  • Nan mais justement mon commentaire c'est qu'il y avait un problème d'ordre de grandeur, je voulais vérifier si pour atteindre ce chiffre il fallait pas être 24h/24 dans 1000 jets privés en même temps.

    Le jet privé de Bernard Arnault en mai 2022 c'est 174 tonnes d'équivalent CO2, soit l'équivalent de 261 français. Donc avec le jet on aurait trouvé 1/666-ième des émissions, j'aimerai bien comprendre c'est quoi les 665 parts manquantes.

  • Maybe it is not actually a planned feature, but I think allowing to answer a post without opening it would encourage quick responses without even reading the post or checking if someone didn't provide a similar answer yet.
