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How do you come up with builds?
  • Generally trial and error until I get the feel I want. Set up a build one way, try it out. If I find myself running out of of ammo, not doing enough damage, etc, I'll try to remember that and adjust for next time. Although by this point I've played so much all of my guns are pretty locked in and I think I would get confused if I changed OCs now.

    I did greatly enjoy the new set of OCs they released. Using most of those now.

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    Why would someone desire a pension instead of a 401k?
  • Immune to market fluctuations. Based on years working and salary so if you worked a long time then retired and lived for a long time you may get more money than if you had a bag of cash in the market. It lasts until you die and your spouse can inherit it so it provides stability for you and your partner for the rest of your lives instead of having to guess how many more years you're going to live and dividing your savings by number of years left. Removes that stress of outliving your guess and running out of cash.

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    Best starting point for the lore? Or even roadmap for beginners?
  • I would recommend starting with the introduction section of one of the rulebooks. The big ass rulebooks lay it all out for beginners, from the history of the imperium to an overview of the various alien factions. From there you can dive into novels and stuff.

    The 3rd and 4th edition rulebooks are my personal favorites, although those are pretty dated if you're looking for modern lore on Primaris marines, Votann, new Eldar factions, or the return of the Emperor's holy sons [REDACTED] and [REDACTED].

    If you're interested in a specific faction, that faction's codex will have reams of lore.

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    gta 6 trailer 1 release dates
  • Is this a video talking about when a video might come out? About a game that will come out in two years? Do people really watch this shit

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    In old biographies, there was the college “bull session”, staying up late and discussing the issues of the world. Did you have that experience?
  • Went to undergrad in early 2000s. We stayed up late in the dorms talking about the meaning of life and society and existence regularly. I think you just didn't manage to find the smart interesting people. And none of us were "culturally Jewish", sounds kind of dog whistly to me.

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    Best primer for rubber/soft plastic miniatures?
  • Regular airbrush primer will be fine on soft plastic. As always, wash with soap and water prior to priming to remove mold releasing lubricants and finga grease.

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    Page 1 of Russia's "Guerrilla media campaign in the US" memo [Translated] Exhibit 9A
  • It's written by Russian propaganda experts for US conservative readers. They know exactly how to speak like someone from the United States. It is their job and they are very, very good at it. Arguably, our discourse is the way it is because of these people.

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    AdMech Color Test
  • Looks pretty solid. I do feel it needs an accent color, like a pop of mechanicum red stripes or one or two armor panels. Something to pull it out of monochrome.

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    Hello From A New Chicken Keeper
  • People generally only keep hens when you have just a few chickens in the backyard. Roosters don't lay eggs and they crow loudly all day, so if you're just interested in having a few animals for eggs roosters don't help much. Roosters can help protect the flock from predators.

    You're probably thinking that one hen and one rooster will produce more chickens for free. You actually don't want the eggs you're planning on eating to be fertilized by a rooster. Fertilized eggs grow small chickens inside of them instead of just having a yolk and egg white.

    Hatching chicks from eggs is a whole process requiring different equipment and setups, so generally casual backyard chicken havers don't mess with breeding and just buy more chickens from bigger operations when necessary.

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    Should I distill IPA (isopropanol alcohol) at home for 3D-printing?
  • I use an old Britta filter with some cheese cloth to filter my old IPA. Pour in the old nasty stuff, let it sit for a day, pretty clean reusable IPA comes out the other end.

  • Another great article from the Rambling Longbeard diving into the history of some High Elf units.


    cross-posted from:

    > My first squad complete. I loved this new squat range as soon as I saw them. I'm going for a very high (for me at least) painting standard for the army, at least three touches for each element. > > Mixed in some 3d printed bits, notably the helmet and shield for the Theyn. Any good dorf unit needs a stout shield up front. Also a frying pan for the squad cook. > > There are a few things I'll tweak for future units. I'll simplify the scheme a little, stop picking out the elbow and knee pads in black and stop picking out the boot straps in leather. Unnecessary details that took a long time for a unit of 10. I'll ease back on the scratches on the white armor paint and decals, although I like the way the chipping came out. > > PS Lemmy please support photo albums! > > !Theyn > > !Plasma knife > > !Hatchet > > !Designated marksdwarf > > !Squad


    My first squad complete. I loved this new squat range as soon as I saw them. I'm going for a very high (for me at least) painting standard for the army, at least three touches for each element.

    Mixed in some 3d printed bits, notably the helmet and shield for the Theyn. Any good dorf unit needs a stout shield up front. Also a frying pan for the squad cook.

    There are a few things I'll tweak for future units. I'll simplify the scheme a little, stop picking out the elbow and knee pads in black and stop picking out the boot straps in leather. Unnecessary details that took a long time for a unit of 10. I'll ease back on the scratches on the white armor paint and decals, although I like the way the chipping came out.

    PS Lemmy please support photo albums!


    !Plasma knife


    !Designated marksdwarf



    Browsing in a browser. I am on page 3 of my feed. I open a post, read it, and press the back button on the browser to return where I left off in the feed. However, instead of taking me back to where I was on page 3, the back button takes me somewhere on page 2. So Everytime I want to go back to the main feed from a post, I have to click back and then scroll to the bottom and click next page then scroll to find where I left off.

    How do I fix this? Thank you.
