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Understanding Linux and choosing your first Linux distro, v2.0
  • How is a noob supposed to read and understand any of that?

    Even my friends to which I have explained the general philosophy and utility of Linux (some of which are intrigued and somewhat open to switching) would look at me as if I were insane were I to send them this "guide"

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    I prefer to keep it positive
  • Wait, aren't the bugs fascists? I think the bots are socialist scum and the bugs fascist pigs, or am I wrong?

    Not that it matters in the long run, both are democracy hating, freedom destroyers, anti-liberty war criminals.

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    And thus the parties plans were ruined
  • Not preparing counterspell as a wizard when fighting the BBEG is certainly one of the decisions of all time. Gonna have to test it out myself.
