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Two women found guilty of false transgender claims against France's first lady.
  • Arrest them for their actions that were violent. You should worry more about how we can educate those so easily manipulated by fake information rather than trying to police language. History has shown repeatedly the tides can change and America has no intentions of having someone assume power and decide what "truth" they want to enforce and imprison those speaking "lies". A 2nd trump presidency could easily result in the establishment of a truth police that arrests anyone speaking ill of him or his family.

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    Two women found guilty of false transgender claims against France's first lady.
  • It's wild the freedoms Americans have "the rest of the world" bitches and moans about. I think Obama was the best president in my lifetime and when I see sister fuckers say shit about him and Michelle, you know what I do? Laugh at how stupid they are and move on. The same thing the Obamas themselves do. Persecuting words that have no tangible impact on someone other than hurt feelings is weak, thin skinned, and swings the doors open wide for abuse. I can imagine 100 different ways a 2nd term trump could weaponize what you're calling for and I prefer to be free to call him every name under the sun without fear of persecution. Im grateful to live somewhere where we have freedom of speech.

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    Iran backs China-Brazil peace plan for Ukraine war
  • Why should the president of an invaded country have to negotiate with the invaders? They can leave and then it's all over.

    Also it's for you to say only Ukraine is taking people off the street. Putins been throwing prisoners on the front line. He is notorious for locking up any vocal dissenter..... sooooo how are you not including him in this equation?

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    Iran backs China-Brazil peace plan for Ukraine war
  • China depends on the world buying its cheap bullshit. Iran is essentially a terrorist state. Brazil is a powerhouse of south America, but what influence do they really have on the global stage?

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    Iran backs China-Brazil peace plan for Ukraine war
  • Very telling that your only assassination recommendation was zelensky and not putin. Followed up by only if trump wins? The only thing trump will do is shut off support to Ukraine because he's putins fucking tool, just like you apparently

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    Iran backs China-Brazil peace plan for Ukraine war
  • How many soldiers has Russia lost? How many naval vessels? How many km of their own territory are now under Ukrainian control? How much has their economy collapsed from sanctions? How much has putins favorability dropped with his population? Foolish as shit to say what you've said.

    Meanwhile Ukraine will soon join nato and is in an overall significantly better position on the global stage than they were prior. Just delete your comment.

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    Iran backs China-Brazil peace plan for Ukraine war
  • China has been a super power, Iran is an ass backwards country and if the only thing positive you can think to say about Brazil is they've got hot people then oof. Are they not the highest gdp country of south america?

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    Iran backs China-Brazil peace plan for Ukraine war
  • No one that matters cares about what either of those 3 countries has to say. Ukraine will continue to be supported by the west and Russia will continue to suffer the consequences of their actions.

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    Iran backs China-Brazil peace plan for Ukraine war
  • Darn, I guess Russia will just have to keep losing hundreds of thousands of soldiers, their last few remaining naval ships, countless war resources, land within their own territory and suffer the consequences of continuing their invasion, like being dealt long range attacks on their territory
