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Judge Sets a Trial Date for Next May in Trump’s Classified Documents Case in Florida
  • What forcing function is there to make sure Trump's lawyers are actually looking over the evidence. I strongly suspect that they are being given time to look over discovery but are merely planning on throwing out another excuse when May comes by. Those excuses will likely sound like, "well we need more time, nevermind the fact that we actually had time to do the thing."

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    France set to allow police to spy through phones
  • Is this new law allowing the police to go to carrier companies and demanding to know the phone numbers of people near the riots, or is this closer to the police using your camera without your permission? I would have thought security restrictions on devices would have blocked such intrusive ability.

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    Noob Question: If you aren't willing to deal with custom OSes like Linux (for computers) and Android Custom Roms (for phones), do you just not have any privacy at all?
  • It depends on what you consider spying. The vast majority of devices want some form of push notification capability, which requires being connected to Microsoft/Google/Apple servers, and thus the company knows your IP address. But doing pretty much anything on the internet and you expose your IP address.

    If what you mean by spying you think it is looking at what app/program you are doing, recording your keystrokes, recording what your camera sees, the vast majority of devices don't do any of this. Those are done on hacked laptops and school laptop admins that are either creepy and unchecked or overly intrusive.

    Somewhere between these two extremes you would say it crosses the boundary into spying. You don't need a custom OS to stop it unless you your threshold is all the way to the push notification level.

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    Is there any more ethical solution to our current circumstances than "murder all billionaires"?
  • The problem isn't the exact rate, it is their ability to pay for tax experts so they can avoid having most of their wealth taxed at all. This is why Biden wanted to beef up the IRS and sic them on billionaires. Scrutinize the cracks they slip through.

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    Republicans are losing money because of Trump
  • It is for these reasons they are enacting laws distasteful to libs, like abortion restrictions, anti-LGBTQ, so as to purify their state and retain what dying power they have.
