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RPi4 Seedbox/Mediabox -- Docker or no?
  • Docker is absolutely worth learning, all the cool kids know that self-hosted things gotta have docker versions

    It's also not too hard to learn, I still don't really get Linux at all but a docker-compose file is basically just instructions to an installer in plaintext form

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    Lost my Proxmox URL
  • Having not used proxmox, I'm surprised that this is a problem that can even happen at all

    Is there no official tool to help people with this? I usually do my self-hosting through my NAS and it has an official program to detect NAS from that brand on the LAN

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    Yet another dashboard for self-hosted services
  • Two suggestions:

    • A docker version. Admittedly, it might be a little overkill. But it's where the self-hosted scene is really at these days
    • Some more screenshots or a public demo to check it out with