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Carbot is doing Balder's Gate 3 shorts!
  • Man I hope Microsoft gives us player numbers. I still play HOTS aram regularly, and I feel like I don't get the same people all the time.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Watched an interesting thing a while back about how home color choices used to be all vibrant and change with generations and whatnot. But they've been muted greys and black tones for so long now because ads are supposed to be eye-catching and all that jass. So most people don't decorate that way because we all subconsciously just want a break from all these fucking ads.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Man id just settle for nsfl/xxx. I don't know how we got to the point where horrifying decapitation is the same as you might see a nipple. But I hate rolling those dice.

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    Do you like waffles?
  • Just started rewatching this show cuz me and my friend were talking about it. Theres an upscaled version this guy's hosting for free that's pretty good. Show holds up. Id post link but upscaled invader zim its like result 2 on Google or something.

  • So my slow ass thumbs keep accidentally opening the post options via long pressing the posts. Is there an option to toggle that to only use the dot menu/ a feature suggestion box

    Questions about coop in baldurs gate 3
  • It's dos2 with better team interactions narratively. Like ur buddies can add points to ur persuasion rolls and stuff. Super nice.

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    The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 20-07-2023
  • Game called Necesse. Still early access but what's out now feels like terraria (pre hard mode only) mixed with a colony sim. Super excited to see where it goes in the future.

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    Railjack bug?
  • You want to turn down? For what?

    In other news it looks like there may be some useful info here maybe? Old post but maybe something will get you working.
