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White People Have Never Forgiven Haitians for Claiming Their Freedom
  • Yeah, if you asked Trump supporters to find Haiti on a map, I'm guessing a single-digit percentage is getting it right. Their prejudice towards immigrants is not some calculated, historically-informed position. It's a basal fear of the other.

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    Wikipedia is facing an existential crisis. Can gen Z save it?
  • It's a great way to replace competent human workers with a lower-cost, lower-quality alternative. Wall Street may buy that anti-worker BS but workers tell a different story.

    Literally an article in Forbes today that says 77% of employees report that AI tools make them less productive:

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    Colorado teen shot in the face after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • I've never had a stranger hop the fence to get onto my property. It's completely different walking up to someone's front door versus a house where you need to climb over a barrier to enter.

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    Colorado teen shot in the face after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • I'm glad this guy was arrested and there's no excuse for shooting these kids. But also holy shit. They jumped a fence onto private property and then wandered around it? No wonder a woman home alone was worried for her safety.

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    Wikipedia is facing an existential crisis. Can gen Z save it?
  • Oh yeah, I love my Index as well. I think it's a lot of fun as a gaming device. But the big money is in B2B sales, which is why tech companies try to convince everyone that blockchain/VR/LLMs have all these corporate applications that just make no damn sense.

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    Wikipedia is facing an existential crisis. Can gen Z save it?
  • It's a fun toy. It's not a research aid, it's not a productivity tool, and it's not particularly useful in the workplace.

    It's honestly very similar to the VR craze of a few years back. Silicon Valley invented a fun toy and then tried to convince everyone that it would transform the workplace. Meetings in VR and simulated workstations and all that. Ultimately everyone figured out that VR is completely useless in the workplace and Silicon Valley was just trying to find ways to sell their fun toy. Now we're going through the same learnings with AI.

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    Wikipedia is facing an existential crisis. Can gen Z save it?
  • It's actually not easy to ensure that an LLM will cite a correct source, in the same way it's not easy to ensure that it will provide accurate information. It's based on token probability, not deterministic lookups of "this data came from this source." It could entirely make something up, then write "Source:" and then probabilistically write "Wikipedia" because those tokens commonly follow those for "Source."

    If you have an AI bot that looks up information in real time, then that would be easy. But for a trained LLM, the training process is highly destructive. Original information is not preserved except in relationships based on probability.

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    Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the electoral college in latest forecast
  • You do it by comparing the state voting results to pre-election polling. If the pre-election polling said D+2 and your final result was R+1, then you have to look at your polls and individual polling firms and determine whether some bias is showing up in the results.

    Is there selection bias or response bias? You might find that a set of polls is randomly wrong, or you might find that they're consistently wrong, adding 2 or 3 points in the direction of one party but generally tracking with results across time or geography. In that case, you determine a "house effect," in that either the people that firm is calling or the people who will talk to them lean 2 to 3 points more Democratic than the electorate.

    All of this is explained on the website and it's kind of a pain to type out on a cellphone while on the toilet.

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    Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • I'd be faster without autocorrect than with. I feel like it chooses the wrong word more often than not.

    Honestly, I miss the real keyboard from my 2009 Blackberry. No substitute for haptic feedback.

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    Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • There are a wide range of computer skills. Being able to interact with a word processor extremely efficiently is a highly valuable tech skill. Someone who knows about processor architecture but can't touch type is arguably more tech-savvy but also less useful in most office jobs. So I'd say that the secretaries were indeed tech-savvy in a way that was useful for their positions.

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    White evangelicals waver after Trump’s shifts on abortion: ‘It’s disastrous’ - POLITICO
  • They won't. Their goal is theocracy. They'd prefer it tomorrow, but they'll chip away incrementally if need be. That's what they did with the courts, which is why we're here in the first place. They're still voting for Trump.

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    A surge of Black women and young people registering to vote in Pennsylvania spells trouble for Trump
  • Exactly. I hate these articles that encourage complacency. Pennsylvania is on a knife's edge and everyone needs to vote. You could write an article about the signs pointing in Trump's favor in PA just as easily if not more.

    Register to vote. Check your registration to make sure it's active. Tell your friends to do the same. Make a plan to vote. Help your friends make a plan to vote. These are the only messages that are helpful in PA.

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    Are far-right groups taking over small-town America?
  • I wish the left was as far left as it used to be. Roosevelt or even LBJ would be a welcome shift from the corporate Democratic party that Clinton thought he needed to counter Reaganism.
