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Holocaust memorial vandalised with swastika graffiti
  • America sowing Zionism: Yes…Ha Ha Ha…Yes!

    America reaping Neonazism: This fucking sucks…

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    US to relist Yemen's Houthis as specially designated global terrorists, AP sources say
  • It's a concerted effort by western media to delegitimize them through language. I've often heard “Houthi rebels” which makes the intention very clear. Ansar Allah is the proper name like you said, and not only were they the de facto government of Yemen before, but also the recent US/UK bombing campaign is making more and more Yemenis unite behind Ansar Allah.

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    Israel Gaza: Community frozen as Hamas atrocities continue to emerge
  • Those savages living in the modern recreation of the Warsaw Ghetto we created for them attacked us! It was completely UnPrOvOkEd!

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    This is an Octobass
  • Octobass, nobody suspects a thing 🎶

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    The iPhone 13 mini is dead, leaving small phone lovers in a lurch
  • iPhone mini lovers 🤝 iPad mini enthusiasts

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    Well, fuck you too.
  • Oh no! What will I do now without the prescient geopolitical insight of the Chattanooga Evening Telegraph?

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    Elon Musk seen as working counter to U.S. interests in dealings with Russia, China
  • One of the reasons billionaires managed to gather so much power and influence in our current system is because they are more coordinated and way better at class warfare than us workers.

    I'd say that and the obvious mind-boggling amounts of hoarded wealth are the two main ones. And never forget those billions are, for the most part, stolen from workers through wage theft, which circles back to billionaires waging class war on us.

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    Jiu enjoying her hammock 😸
  • Big time mirin. She loves her human

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    “AI took my job, literally”—Gizmodo fires Spanish staff amid switch to AI translator
  • I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Venture Capitalist Ride

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    Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man?
  • Say it louder for the libs in the back

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    US expects to upgrade Vietnam ties, risks China anger
  • Nobody seems to have pointed out the obvious historical angle where China and Vietnam have been long-time enemies.

    The issue goes back to the Cold War era and the Sino-Soviet split and it's kinda hard to synthesize in a few short paragraphs, you can read more on the wiki article about it, but these sections could be a good summary:

    Vietnam was an ideological battleground during the 1960s Sino-Soviet split. After the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident, Chinese Premier Deng Xiaoping secretly promised the North Vietnamese 1 billion yuan in military and economic aid if they refused all Soviet aid.

    During the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese and the Chinese had agreed to defer tackling their territorial issues until South Vietnam was defeated. Those issues included the lack of delineation of Vietnam's territorial waters in the Gulf of Tonkin and the question of sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.

    And also:

    In the wake of the Vietnam War, the Cambodian–Vietnamese War caused tensions with China, which had allied itself with Democratic Kampuchea. That and Vietnam's close ties to the Soviet Union made China consider Vietnam to be a threat to its regional sphere of influence. Tensions were heightened in the 1970s by the Vietnamese government's oppression of the Hoa minority (Vietnamese of Chinese ethnicity) and the invasion of Khmer Rouge-held Cambodia. At the same time, Vietnam expressed its disapproval with China strengthening ties with the United States since the Nixon-Mao Summit of 1972.

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    Someone is trying to log in to my account from WINDOWS 7!!!
  • 7!!! ≠ [(7!)!]!

    7!!! = 7 * (7-3) * (7-6) = 28


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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Permanently Deleted

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    Could child labor ever be acceptable if it's done consentually?
  • Literally advocating for XIX century-style Dickensian child labor.
    Yeah Imma go with troll as well

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    New study gave $7,500 to 50 unhoused people
  • I was going to post a comment saying how thankful I am we could leave the extreme and unabashed aporophobia over at Reddit but… uh, never mind.

    Still pretty tame compared to the gems you'd find there I guess.

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    New study gave $7,500 to 50 unhoused people
  • I don't get it. Why does big homeless, the largest unhoused person, not simply eat the other hobos?
