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Arch users trying to print files
  • Me too. I have a Brother printer. When I first set it up, Windows printed everything in inverse black and white until I hunted down the correct driver. Windows also never figured out how to wake it up, so I always had to manually wake it up. And it simply never worked with the scanner.

    Linux got everything right without me having to fuss with anything.

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    Google Gemini ad controversy: Where should we draw the line between AI and human involvement in content creation?
  • I think LLM's are incredibly useful in limited circumstances. But it needs to be on-demand, NOT omnipresent.

    For example, I'm learning a bit of C#. I was following a tutorial a few weeks ago that had some code I didn't understand. I spent an hour googling and reading documentation, but found nothing. I headed to ChatGPT and asked it what it meant. It gave a clear, easy to understand explanation.

    Unfortunately, the industry is going about this all wrong. Google wants to force Gemini on my Pixel. So I nuked Android. Microsoft silently installed Copilot on my laptop without consent. That laptop is now happily running Linux.

    Forcing these tools on people will just alienate people like me. In a way, I'm glad it happened. I'm much more satisfied now that these companies are minimized in my life.

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    A cool guide on Best Arm Exercises
  • Consider grabbing a bar normally. You'd probably have 4 fingers on one side, and your thumb on the other. Now move the thumb so it's on the same side of the bar as your fingers. That's a thumbless grip. Not really thumbless, but your thumb is doing much less than it normally would.

    The grip is popular for the low bar squat because it puts your wrists in a better position. It's also a popular bench press grip for folks who want a caved-in face.

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    Experience with GrapheneOS
  • I've been using Graphene for a few weeks now. I'm really happy with it. That said, I'm a pretty minimal smartphone user. I don't use NFC or any AI or Assistant features.

    My only hiccup was my banking app didn't work at first. Luckily their documentation is informative and easy to read. This is a common problem with a simple solution... You just need to change a toggle in the app control setting.

    Installation is super easy if you use their web installer - just read through the procedure first, follow it exactly, and be patient. There are a few places where you think it's done, but if you interrupt it, the install can go sideways.

    It's also easy to revert back to stock if you want to. And it doesn't void your warranty - I just RMAd my pixel 8 after it developed the pink stripe syndrome.

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    Google is expanding Gemini access inside Google Messages to more devices
  • This was the push I needed to switch to Graphene. The Gemini offer popped up for me a couple of weeks ago. The only options were something like 'Yes' or 'Not now'. No option to say never, which of course means they would bug me again and again.

    So I reported it as Spam and made the jump.

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    First day using Linux Mint instead of Windows 11
  • I came here to say pretty much the same thing, but found your post instead. I just made the jump this week. I'm running a Legion 5 Pro with 2 SSD's, so I left Win11 on its drive and installed Mint on the other. They seem to be playing well together - no conflicts so far.

    I'm pumped on how simple it actually was! I wish I'd have done it sooner...MS has been really irritating me lately so I finally went for it. Loving it so far!

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    How bad is it if I slack off on accessories?
  • I can relate to coming back from a long layoff. I was out pretty much all of last year due to a persistent back tweak. The programs I use taper up the volume over the first 3 or 4 weeks. As I got back into it this year, I just repeated the first week of a program over and over, gradually increasing the weights as my fitness returned.

    When I felt like I was stalling, I moved on to the next week, repeating it until the next stall. And so on. This is a pretty conservative approach that makes sure I'm ready for the added volume.

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    How bad is it if I slack off on accessories?
  • Absolutely. 4 movements in a workout is plenty, IMO. Depending on your rep/set scheme, you may be over doing it if you're coming back from a long layoff.

    Start tapering in some accessory work as you acclimate to your routine.

    If you're feeling completely wiped workout after workout, take a closer look at your volume and intensity. Too much of that can be a problem. Head over to Barbell Medicine and see what they have to say about session RPE (sRPE).

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    A bad influence
  • To me, this is its biggest flaw. You can't scroll back in chats very far, but you can search for lines further back. However in a truly spectacular display of uselessness, the search only returns the chat bubble you searched for, with no surrounding context.

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    How did you treat COVID-19?
  • When I had it, my only symptoms were in my nose, too. Not nearly as bad as you, but I constantly felt like I had a bunch of water up my nose... The same feeling you get when you swim on your back underwater. It was a really weird sensation.

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    stan teachers unions
  • This is spot on. A family member of mine is a high school teacher and faces everything you laid out. I'd add the seemingly constant threats of lawsuits and violence to further illustrate the untenable atmosphere.

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    Men over 30, what was one habit that really improved your life?
  • Certainly! Just do something. Consistency matters. The nature of activity you choose is insignificant when you consider doing something, vs. doing nothing.

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    Men over 30, what was one habit that really improved your life?
  • This was key for me. I spent way too much time working way too hard, like 9 out of 10 exertion. I dreaded just getting started. I've now found that I can make better gains working in the 5 to 7 range, and I look forward to my workouts.

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    Men over 30, what was one habit that really improved your life?
  • Exercise. Exactly how is not important. What matters is just being consistent. Eventually it becomes a habit that will grow with you.

    If it's difficult or frustrating, you're probably trying too hard. Ease up next time. If it feels like a chore, you're not doing the right activity for you. It should be enjoyable.

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    How does this harddisk work?
  • Not necessarily. It varies by manufacturer, and some manufacturers use both methods for the various HD's they make. Both work just fine, and both have their strengths and weaknesses.

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    How does this harddisk work?
  • Former industry guy here.

    Some HD's park the head on a plastic ramp at the OD of the platter stack. I don't see that structure in your picture.

    Others park the head on the platter itself. This area is always not usable area, since contact isn't great for data integrity. This is a simpler solution but comes at the cost of reduced data capacity.

    I don't recall if this park area is on the ID or OD (it's been a long time), but the position in your picture is reasonable since it would cost less disk area..

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    Demonstration of GuitarPico effects
  • Dude... Well done! This thing is amazing. I've been wanting to get some effects pedals but can't deal with the clutter. This is just what I need. Now to study your repo and see if I can get one together.
