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Kamala mistreats her staff /s
  • Unlike a certain someone who showed a pattern of strongly believing in whatever the last person he spoke with told him when he was president.

    Which is even worse than what "flip flop" is supposed to refer to: someone who says whatever they think will resonate most with their current audience. At least that person might have a plan that they just aren't sharing, whereas "gets convinced by anyone he speaks with" is going to end up pulled along with who knows how many other people's covert plans.

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    Kamala mistreats her staff /s
  • I'm feeling more optimistic lately though because while it seems like the bigger media companies are being made to turn hard to the right, it also seems like their brand of propaganda isn't working as effectively as it once did. Seems like they might have even lost the younger generations entirely.

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    Religious people: The world is ending
  • My perspective has been that if things really do go to shit to the level of what peppers believe, financial stuff won't really matter unless you've invested in setting up a self-sufficient compound. And even then, owning such a compound would likely be as much of a liability than an asset because unless there's many such compounds, you're going to get swarmed by anyone who hears about it, so you'll also need security forces and equipment to defend it.

    And if you have a small army on the compound, good luck not getting couped by them.

    A business venture like a magazine would be completely irrelevant if society ends. But it might make a decent income in the time between now and the end. And it'll be kinda like religion: once anyone is in a position to find out how good any of your advice really was, they won't likely be in a position to get upset with you if it was all just made up.

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    Everybody in SoCal today...
  • Also as a Canadian, I started the day with shorts but switched to pants before I left the house this evening and am wondering if I'll need to switch the thermostat to heat instead of cool (because for some reason it can't handle just having a range and heating or cooling as necessary to keep it within that range).

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    I need eyebleach after seeing that horrible trailer
  • With how quickly the world moved on, he might not have needed to even cancel any shows. Though I could have understood cancelling a few shows because it was hard to tell where things would go.

    But another part of it was how much he wanted to create distance between himself and someone who thought the same thing many of his fans were already thinking.

    I haven't seen any videos or anything, but I have a feeling the birthday wish got a positive response from the audience. Especially being a show outside of the US.

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    Father of Georgia school shooting suspect told investigators he purchased gun as holiday present for son, sources say
  • Yeah, I'm wondering how many people failed that kid for him to end up in a place where he decided to throw away his life to lash out in a way that couldn't be ignored or swept under a rug.

    Ultimately, this is probably the root of the problem more than the access to guns are because a kid that wants to shoot up his school but can't get a gun to do so is still a tragedy and could still turn deadly.

    Edit: not that guns aren't too easy to access in the US

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    Father of Georgia school shooting suspect told investigators he purchased gun as holiday present for son, sources say
  • 2 counts of murder 2

    4 counts of involuntary manslaughter

    8 counts of cruelty to children

    I wonder how they settled on 2 counts of murder. Maybe that implies they think 2 victims were targetted and 2 were in the wrong place at the wrong time?

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    All that colonizing, and for what!?
  • Mexico also loves their spices. And the Middle East. And Nepal and China (not sure if they both count as Southeast Asian or if that's mainly the peninsula South of China).

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    All that colonizing, and for what!?
  • If you want more vegetarian dishes that aren't just soy pretending to be a meat dish (and usually disappointing), try out some Indian dishes. A decent portion of their population is vegetarian for religious reasons and they've made the best of it. I went to a vegetarian Indian wedding once and didn't miss having meat at all.

    I make dol as part of my normal rotation and even my daughter loves it when I was expecting her to be disappointed with what was mainly lentils and spinach served with flatbread. But the little bit that isn't lentils and spinach is just as important.

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    What a slacker
  • Goes to HR:

    "My boss grabbed my dick and shook the piss out of it in the bathroom! Then he made me go into a stall and wiped my ass to check if that risky fart he had noticed earlier was indeed just a fart!"

    "No shit?"


    Then he sits down and makes himself an award certificate for best personal hygiene and another for most caring boss and wonders if talking to himself really means he's crazy.

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    Linkin Park reunites with 7 years after Chester Bennington's death, with new music
  • Hopefully they are all secretly immortal. Also hopefully I haven't missed any news about them and you're just bringing them up because they are adjacent to Linkin Park in your headspace.

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    Dollar General warns poorer US consumers are running out of money
  • This might be some confirmation bias, but it feels like everything has gotten a bit dumber since the pandemic and I wonder if covid effects on the brain are a part of it. Like I feel "normal" now, but I don't think this current "normal" is the same as what "normal" used to be for me. And for like 6 months after my first infection, it literally felt like my brain wasn't working as clearly as it normally did.

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    City of Columbus sues man after he discloses severity of ransomware attack | Mayor said data was unusable to criminals; researcher proved otherwise
  • He wasn't helping them. He was calling out their bullshit. Which is the way it works with people more interested in creating an illusion of competence than pursuing actual competence. They are more interested in hiding issues than fixing them, so someone calling out issues is more of a problem to them than the issues themselves.
