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Ashton Kutcher Resigns From His Anti-Child Sex Abuse Organization Amid Danny Masterson Support Backlash
  • All the letters have one thing in common though: they're overly saccharine and suspiciously dodgy (actually that's two things, sorry). It's like they're trying to describe a modern-day Beaver Cleaver.

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    Ashton Kutcher Resigns From His Anti-Child Sex Abuse Organization Amid Danny Masterson Support Backlash
  • He knew the truth. Even if he never outright asked, he knew in his gut that something was off with that scumbag. It wouldn't surprise me if he was also someone of questionable morals. You are the people you surround yourself with, i fully believe that.

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    Ashton Kutcher Resigns From His Anti-Child Sex Abuse Organization Amid Danny Masterson Support Backlash
  • You gonna pin the tail on cancel culture and "The Twitterverse" for criminals like Jeffrey Epstein being outed too? Lmao you're a joke. Masterson RAPED WOMEN, many more of them than the mere handful that were included in the case, i promise you. And his friends went out of their way to use their influence and names to sway a judge in his favor. That's fucked up, and anyone who says differently is blatantly in support of rapists, rape apologists, or is undoubtedly one themselves trying to justify monstrous behavior.

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    If it starts moving then forget it
  • I'm convinced that x doesn't even function as the close button, i make extremely damn sure to press ONLY the x button, and it still pulls the entire window up. Graaaaaaaaaa!!!!

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    Pelosi will seek reelection
  • Like 90% of Congress and the Supreme Court are already there, man. Rapidly approaching senility and still no fucks given, "just keep the party going till i drop dead!" energy.

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    Amazon CEO Andy Jassy warns remote workers: 'It's probably not going to work out for you'
  • Not to mention the fact that said real estate is all in extremely expensive locales (Bellevue, WA for starters), so that's a lot of money they're blowing on unoccupied buildings.

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    So much for that dream.
  • Journalism should be accessible to everyone. Not many people can afford 30 different subscriptions for every individual news outlet because they're all pay to read. Remember newspapers? Anyone could buy one on the cheap, now these fuckers have moved to a subscription service that's even more expensive than the average newspaper used to be.

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    Disapproval of Elon Musk is top reason Tesla owners are selling, survey says
  • I was thinking about this today as I was looking at a model y: "it's all hype. The only reason people buy these things is because they idolize Elon and his ability to hype his own brand." It's 100% not because they believe in their heart of hearts that they're buying a reliable vehicle(and they look cool); it seems like it's pretty well-known at this point in time that Teslas are a low-quality product.

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    It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.
  • Glad Connect isn't in there, it's complete shit. Just converted over to sync because i was waiting on a decently stable alternative to be released before uninstalling.

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    Twitter neighbours complain of lit-up ‘X’ sign working at high intensity
  • You're saying all that as if he couldn't have done the very same thing like 25 years ago back in the 90s. Technically, he never had to become an "entrepreneur" in the first place.... daddy's apartheid emerald mine gave him a cushy little trust fund to live off for the rest of his life without anyone ever knowing anything about him. But sadly, he's a spoiled little bitch who throws a tantrum when the media spotlight is off him for longer than 5 minutes.

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    Democrats introduce bill to eliminate student loan interest for current borrowers
  • Unfortunately the last civil war we had only made things exponentially worse, especially for POCs. And it changed nothing in terms of how the government was run.
