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In which mod bans me as a "liberal"
  • Might want to add this screenshot, it is of that mod removing the posts about you from the_dunk_tank, she has also removed others.

    I find it interesting that you've made a community to abuse your admin powers that deanonymize the modlog both admin only powers and have titled the community Ye Power Trippin' Bastards.

    You've recently complained to me about moderators not acting on reports, but when you engage in moderator harassment, how can you be surprised?

    There is currently an organized effort to harass mods, this community will only add to the harassment they face.

    Would you allow posts here from people you have banned from ? Would you allow a post complaining about an admin removing a piracy related meme because he didn't like the politics of it? How can you complain about the_dunk_tank when it has more protections in place than this one?

    I've been banned from plenty of communities and instances yet never felt the need to create something like this, as a lemmy instance admin we need to do better. A different admin posted in a similar community and nearly ran off a marginalized user from the lemmy-verse, is your intention here the same? To bully marginalized people off the platform?

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    Just tryna be human out here sucks
  • Might've been federation issues

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    Just tryna be human out here sucks
  • I would never infringe upon a user's right to talk about billionaires

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    Just tryna be human out here sucks
  • The OP made this post after making this comment:

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    Just tryna be human out here sucks
  • Lol who are you?

    There is literally no mention of you in the hexbear modlog

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    Admin collaboration and liberal coup
  • So you are making a completely baseless claim, I have proven with evidence that the moderators in fact do not routinely ignore the sidebar rules and in fact removed posts that individually targeted an admin/mod of another server. We have a culture of reporting posts and comments on Hexbear, which the moderators then remove. I'm sorry, but that is a fair thing to ask, when a user sees a post that violates a rule, to report it. You cannot refuse to make a report and then make a vibes-based accusation that the moderators are not doing their job. As with every volunteer position not everyone is available at all times of the day and while we try to have many moderators there will be a challenge in examining every post and every comment which is why reporting is so valuable.

    I do not think you truly understand as divisionsbyzero is half the size of hexbear and does not have an active poltics/news/current event discussion community

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    Admin collaboration and liberal coup
  • Permanently Deleted

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    hexbear trans mega hits 3098 comments!
  • Permanently Deleted

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    adding to the unbelievably long list of reasons to stop using ml
  • Hey it's me! I have nothing to do with

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    Based on recent events
  • Nor do I have hate for you or the /0 instance in fact in the vote post majority of the hexbear users feel the same way.

    There are no downvotes and the culture of commenting dissent might make it feel like there are so many that want to burn the bridge but based on every instance wide federation check in more enjoy /0 and the users than dislike.

    I used an alt because you are banned from hexbear so posts you make don't show up, i guess I could've done it in matrix but decided to do it publically. Yeah I care about you and your opinion over every other instance (except the .ml ones, tankies gotta stick together) and despite what you may think didn't want to ban you. Getting a

    If you want to develop a culture where users feel safe to report direct messages you need to act on them regardless of who they are. I've banned many longtime hexbear users and moderators for the same thing.

    I've removed all the posts regarding you and Unruffled that I was aware of and didn't know that the pfp post was even about you, the primary account I use has avatars disabled. Reporting that post would have helped in getting it addressed. For what it's worth the person you direct messaged actually removed one of the posts about you after it was reported.

    Moderation can always improve, just as there were criticisms of the way that the meme in /c/piracy was handled there are criticisms to be made of how moderation is on hexbear communities. Just as there is hate and animosity towards /0 users and admins there is hate and animosity towards hexbear users and admins.

    I said you were banned for dm harassment of a moderator, as that is what happened. Had you said the same thing in a comment the action would have likely been different. I apologize that you've received harassing direct messages and for the unreliable cross-instance reporting.

    It is the responsibility of both moderator and user to cultivate a community. With active moderation on one hand and reporting on the other. I don't think it's fair to criticize moderation without doing your part.

    I'm saddened that this ended up how it did and apologize for any stress you experienced.

    I won't be logging back onto this account for awhile, thanks for your previous comment and i wish you the best.

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    Based on recent events
  • as a Hexbear admin I endorse this statement, fantastic tagline thank you

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    Based on recent events
  • I've reviewed the past week of reports and literally see 0 made by you. Outside of reports I've asked any posts made regarding db0 mods or admins to be removed, if I've missed any that specifically reference you or others please let me know, and I'll address them in context of community/site code of conduct. I apologize if there are any that were allowed to stay up for an extended period of time.

    Commenting is not the same as the report function. Yes, I do trust the hexbear moderators to handle their communities as they see fit, if you were to see the amount of posts/comments on hexbear you could understand the need to delegate. In addition, I personally believe in horizontal power and entrusting the site to those that stand up to take responsibility for the community. There is an established method for questioning mod decisions, either the feedback or hexbear community. I recognize that it may be unclear to non-local users, if I may what is the db0 process for handling disputes for mod actions?

    Do you think that if one of your moderators was sent a direct message calling them a piece of shit, you would act differently?

    I dispute the accusation that there were 10 different posts, rather there were three that are removed. If there are others, please send me the link so that they can be addressed.

    Is it fair to expect the admins to individually review over 3 million comments without having reports to guide us to those made in violation of rules?

    Have you ever done a lemmy search for "hexbear"?

    I think you will find there are many threads flinging insults and disinfo about us and I would say that I don't feel the need to defend, in fact had you or Unruffled heeded my advice about making a non-admin account to comment/post on we would not be in this situation.

    Based upon the praise in this thread and in the hexbear vote regarding db0 you would see the positive outweigh the negative of you and your instance.

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    Based on recent events
  • Do you think it is possible then that there was a delay in reports on hexbear, regarding posts criticizing db0? Did even report any of the posts referenced in the image? If you moderated a user and that user then sent you a message calling you a piece of shit, would you expect your admin to stand up for you and ban the person harassing you?

    Neither I nor any other hexbear user complain about the myriad of posts or comments slandering hexbear users their mods/admins that come out every single day, yet a small portion of these come for db0 (which are now moderated to the best of my knowledge) and there is a big problem.

    I would like to remind you that timezones exist, and I am in MSK time zone and there are delays compared to those in others.

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    Any plans to refederate with lemmygrad when client side instance blocking will be available?
  • The "proof" in the hexbear defederation post has nothing to do with a "call out for total war with other instances" but nice try again with the lies. The comments show that hexbear believes it has an ideological duty to engage in discussion on any current event, post of politics, or news post. The post links states clearly that "breaking the hexbear code of conduct on another instance will result in a ban on hexbear" I've compared the terms of service and the hexbear one and can't find any difference so how exactly is hexbear telling its users to engage in other instances posts while respecting their code of conduct something deserving of "preemptive defederation"

    I accept your apology, Antik made the same one. It is clear that had no desire to have a dedicated leftist community federated, which is fine, just say that you are defederated for ideological/political differences. If you want to create the neoliberal instance, more power to you, but to say anything otherwise requires actual proof rather than vague claims.

    So you can try out a well-known instance of fascist trolls that frequently used slurs as well as made posts explicitly describing what instance to sign up on, and what posts to target with copy/paste, slur-ridden messages? However, an instance that wants to engage in sourced discussion of current events receives a "last resort, preemptive defederation" this massive disparity in response shows that the admins of are willing to give hateful nazi instances a chance, but won't even let a leftist instance in the door.

    Double the reports of what?? There could not have been any user reports of hexbear posts/comments as IT NEVER EVEN FEDERATED with You won't even remove communities from

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    Kick tankies out of 196
  • And also lost more people than any other nation, and does not exist today. I agree modern Russia is not friendly, you are incorrect on China. There are non-governmental agencies that track the amount of trans muders and they also agree that the rates of murder are dramatically lower.

    Compare independant data sources on the average person's happiness, home ownership, access to quality healthcare, for the United States and China and one can come to their own conclusion that China is better than the United States not from sheer contrarianism. It is clear from the failure of Biden and the electroral trend towards conservatism that the democratic safeguards are not as pure as you make them out to be. There are material criticisms to be made against China, and in fact I personally have critical support for them.

    What is your solution for government then if a mixed economy is not viable? One cannot be so lucky as the Nordics to exploit the global south

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    Kick tankies out of 196
  • There are no good guys in war, just two sides of a conflict. Curious how you never see "Kick Nazis out of 196".
