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Why? Are we not doing enough?
  • GOOD post

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    If during the last supper they served Chinese food, what would the fortune cookies have said?
  • "beware the ides of march"

    some old stock fortune cookie

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    Palestine-Israel Crisis Megathread
  • Power Dynamics

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    Not smart but clever? The return of "dumbphones"
  • Can you link the model you're thinking of? I've looked a few times in the last five years and only seen expensive hairshirts for tech obsessed psychos, and Alcatel trash

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    Not smart but clever? The return of "dumbphones"
  • FM transmitting in a phone is extremely sick, that's a great feature

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    Not smart but clever? The return of "dumbphones"
  • i've wanted one for a few years but they seem to be either trash to fill in the low end of phone plans, or extremely expensive boutique products for bougie people making a statement. would love to just use one of my old phones from back when they made good feature phones but there's no gsm support in my country, everything needs to be 4g :(

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • local (ss) boy makes chancellor

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    Canada’s speaker resigns after inviting man who fought in Nazi unit to Zelenskyy visit
  • it took 2 days for it to get picked up by msn, all the articles about it are from sunday morning, it happened on friday and i was already seeing people online talking about it then. anyway, guy still gets to be in parliament he only resigned as speaker lol

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    Indian politician threatens to nuke Canada on live show
  • this article showed up on r/worldnews too. i wonder why they don't get any more specific than "an indian politician"

  • male presenting anglo canadian here, every interaction i have ever had is in some way tinged with white supremacy and male privilege. i've been treated better and assumed by default to be more competent than non-whites pretty much every day.

    also like have you ever talked to another white person? if a white person or man talks to someone they assume shares their values they say the worst shit. i thought it was funny when libs were condemning trumps "locker room talk" defense like it's so unbelievable to them that men would discuss sexual assault like that in a male space. "i've never heard anything like that in a locker room." you are lying. most white men are thinking and saying the worst possible things at any given moment.

    non-white people can tell by the way they are treated by white people and western society that white supremacy is the thread that binds the western world together. but if you look like them, they will just tell you straight up their terrible ideas assuming you will agree. if you cant figure it out when you actively benefit from it daily, if you cant notice that you're being held to a different standard by other white people daily, if you cant figure it out when they LOOK FOR EXCUSES TO TELL YOU, than i dunno how much self-crit is gonna help. at that point it seems like an empathy problem

    if you identify as an anarchist or a communist and also identify with your whiteness, you missed something, probably a lot of things, along the way. try to be more perceptive geez.

    love to my comrades of every skin colour and gender identity, death to the first world and any framework including race used to justify it

    How do I block all of Hexbear from All?
  • I'm also a guy

    red flag tbh

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    What’s worse, loud farts or rank farts?
  • Loud farts are funny, rank ones just ruin everybody's day

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    Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • "white" is a concept made up to justify slavery and white supremacy. you are actually hitting on something really important, the definition of being white HAS varied widely in history. when the concept of whiteness was first being developed, it was in order to justify categorizing people as white or non-white, and then the eugenics movement ran away with that concept to promote racial supremacy- not racial identity, but racial supremacy. so "white" as a category did indeed refer to specifically condoned peoples with supposed genetic, moral, intellectual superiority. and the definition of "white" did indeed vary then as well as now. irish, italian, slav, spanish, jews were all once distinctly non-white by the definition of "whites" at one point. the definition has changed since then because it has always been a non-scientific concept designed to identify "us" from "them" and justify the subjugation of whoever was considered non-white at the time.

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    Republicans Urge Americans To Look Away From McConnell Or Else They Too Shall Freeze
  • i was gonna say, someone should make an EAS scenario video with mitch as patient zero
